
For this task I have been asked to write and in-depth evaluation of my final outcome, including strengths, weaknesses and what I would change for the future.

Overall I am extremely happy with the outcome of this unit, and am really pleased with how I developed my designs to ensure they were perfect for the performance.

Both me, and my performer were extremely happy with how the makeup looked and lasted during performances, underneath the stage lighting.


One of my favourite aspects of my finished look is the white mascara.

I think adding this detail in to my final design was a great choice, as it really helped the eye stand out.

I am also extremely happy with how the eyebrows looked in my final outcome.

Not only did I have to create the shape myself as my client has minimal brow hair, but I also chose to make the eyebrows brighter than in the trial, to help the bows to stand out over her glasses.

In this look, I made the red base much more pale than in the trial run.

This was to help ensure the black eye and detailing really stood out under the lights, as using the darker red seemed to make it look less dramatic underneath the lights.

I’m also really happy with how the hair turned out, even though I created a simple style I think it was very effective.

I used a mixture of mousse and gel to help ensure the hair stayed out of her face white performing, and I think the overall finish worked really well with the makeup.

I also think that the overall look, including hair and makeup, represented my character really well.


Firstly, on this occasion the base on the left side of the face seemed to go slightly patchy under the eye and around the mouth.

I did use a different product to prepare the skin, so I think this may be what caused this to happen.

However, My client was wearing glasses for the performance so luckily the slight patchiness around the eye was hidden by them.

For this reason, I didn’t want to try to hard to cover the patches and end up causing lots of product build-up on her glasses, therefore we just ensured it all blended in togther.

I also wish that the contouring was brighter in this look, like in my second practice.

After these photos were taken, we decided to bring the paint further down the neck, to meet her choker.

We chose not to paint the whole of her chest, to further emphasise the masking idea I was trying to convey.

Published by Megan Hoff

A level 3 production arts makeup student at Fareham college.

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