Formal interview

For this task, I am required to interview the performer who’s makeup I will be doing for my practical assessment at the end of this assignment.

I have been asked to formulate a list of 10 questions regarding the makeup application, and how important this step is to the performer in terms of portreying a character to an audience, and building self confidence.

I then have to interview my performer in a formal setting, in order to develop my skills in communication and research.

Below are the questions I asked my performer, and the responses she gave.

1- Do you feel makeup plays an important role in communicating a character to an audience?

“Yes, because it makes a character more believable for an audience”

Emily explained to me that she believes having makeup on makes a character much more believable, and easier to read, for the audience. This helps me to understand how important makeup is in the process of transforming in to a character.

2- Does having makeup on help you get in to character?

“Not particularly, I wear makeup most days so it doesn’t make me feel any different, just helps to visualise the character “

When I asked Emily if having makeup on helped her get into character, she explained that she wears makeup almost every day so it doesn’t make her feel much different, but it does help her to really visualise herself as the character she is playing.

3- Do you enjoy having your makeup done before performances?

“Yes, it gives me some down time, to relax, before preforming”

This helps me understand how important it is for some people to have someone else help them in the process of preparing for stage. Emily said she likes having her makeup done as it gives her some time to relax and helps calm her nerves while getting ready.

4- Do you feel your performances are more effective when you are in full costume and makeup, or in rehearsal?

“Yes, being in full costume, hair and makeup creates a better atmosphere when performing”

Emily explained that there is a much better atmosphere between the cast members when in costume. She said they all get on very well usually, but rehearsals can be very repetitive so sometimes everyone comes across run down and tired. However when in costume you are exited that it is finally time to show your hard work off, which creates a very positive environment.

5- Do you usually struggle with nerves/anxiety before performing?

“Yes, I normally get very nervy before I get on stage”

Having feelings of anxiety are common before performing on stage to a large audience, these feelings range from person to person but it is a totally normal. Emily said she often feels nervous in the build up to a performance, but when shes on stage she usually feels very confident.

6- Do you think makeup/characterisation makes you feel less nervous/ more confident?

“No, it’s the performing itself that makes me nervous, how I look doesn’t matter to me”

Emily explained to me that the way she looks doesn’t effect her nerves before performing, weather she had no makeup on, or was painted bright pink, its not the way she looks but the acting itself that makes her nervous. This helps me understand that not everybody’s ‘stage fright’ comes from the same origin, some are anxious about the audience, some the performance, and some the way they look.

7- Do you prefer big, bold and colourful makeups or minimalistic, natural looks?

“For stage, I prefer more natural looks, but for every day I usually wear bolder looks”

Emily usually wears makeup every day, she usually creates bold and dark eye makeups, with a natural base. She told me that usually she prefers the natural/ basic stage makeup while performing, but does enjoy having character makeup every now and then. This may be because character makeup is usually much heaver than basic stage, therefore will most likely be more uncomfortable to perform in.

8- Is makeup an important part of your usual, day to day routine, or do you only wear makeup when performing?

“Yes, I wear makeup most days I use makeup as a way to express myself”

This helps me understand Emily’s relationship with makeup, and lets me know that she will be comfortable wearing it, as she is used to wearing it every day. Some people feel uncomfortable having their makeup done as they don’t wear it every day, or at all – therefore it feels strange to them, and they might find it hard to recognise themselves, making them conscious about their appearance to the audience.

9- Do you enjoy having your makeup done by makeup artists, or would you rather follow tutorials in order to do the makeup yourself?

“I do enjoy doing my own makeup so would probably say I would rather do it myself, however I do like having makeup done by someone else”

This, again, helps me understand that everyone of the cast members have different preferences. Emily said she would rather do it herself, however she isn’t one of these people that will refuse to have her makeup done, as it helps her relax before performance.

10- What is your favourite part of having your makeup done for you?

” I especially enjoy having my hair done, as I struggle to style my hair myself and I never know what to do with it”

This showed me that not only do people like having their makeup done, but the additional factors such as hair and nails can be just important to some people. Emily said she focuses a lot on her makeup on a daily basis and never really does anything with her hair as she doesn’t know what to do, or how to do it. Therefore she looks most forward to having her hair done. Wearing makeup isn’t particularly exiting as she wears this most days, but having her hair styled is important, as it is something different therefore is something to look forward too.

Published by Megan Hoff

A level 3 production arts makeup student at Fareham college.

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