Makeup tutorial – Top tips for a flawless base.

Task 2

For this task I must choose to focus on one of my favourite makeup techniques, aiming to improve a core skill for my discipline. I must create a video of me demonstrating the technique, and explaining why this skill is beneficial for a training makeup-artist. Furthermore, I must ensure I attend all technique classes and workshops provided, to ensure I am constantly working on progressing my skills.

Below is a link to the video tutorial I created. I chose to focus this video on creating a flawless makeup base. I believe this is one of the most important skills you can learn as a makeup-artist, as without a flawless base the overall look will not be effective.

I created this video with the aim to educate people on the key steps of creating the best base possible, allowing a flawless overall finish.

Firstly, I explained how it is important to maintain a good skin care routine, in order to create an airbrushed look. Good skin care helps ensure the skin is always in a healthy condition, and also helps to minimise imperfections, making this process easier. Cleanser, toner and moisturiser should be applied to the face every morning and night, and before and after any makeup application. This helps to ensure there is no product left on the face, tighten pores, and prevent dryness.

Secondly, I briefly explained why it is also important to apply primer. This product helps to minimise pores and fine lines, creating a blank canvas for your makeup. Furthermore, primer also helps prevent makeup from clogging up pores.

Next, I demonstrated how one foundation shade alone will never perfectly match the skin tone. Practically demonstrating what I was speaking about made my point extremely clear. Not only did I explain how and why you should mix multiple shades of foundation, but ensured I detailed how this could be done with multiple different mediums. Cream and liquid foundations are very different to work with, so I felt it was important I explained how this could be done when using either of these mediums, to ensure I met the potential needs of my target audience.

I also explained why it is important to match the foundation shade to the skin on the neck, rather than using your wrist. This technique is much more effective as it helps you clearly see how accurate the shade is compared to the skin you are trying to match.

Additionally, I briefly touched on what colour corrector is, and how to use it. Before college I had no idea how to apply colour corrector, or what it was even made for. This resulted in a very uneven base, as I suffer quite badly with redness. However since starting college and learning the importance of this product I can see a huge difference in the overall effect of my work.

Finally, I also briefly touched on a range of setting powders, explaining which I personally found worked best and why. This also lead me to explain why it is so important to conduct research in to a product and its intended use, before trying it out. Additionally, I explained why it is vital to practice looks as often as you can, on a range of different skin tones and types. All of this will help ensure you have the best product knowledge possible, which is extremely important before working on clients as a professional.

Throughout the video I ensured to mention some top tips and tricks I have learned along the way. These may not work for everybody, but I shared them as I feel they have helped me massively improve. For example, using a brush to blend foundation, and then patting over the top with a damp beauty blender, or dampening a sponge with setting spray rather than water.

Published by Megan Hoff

A level 3 production arts makeup student at Fareham college.

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