Production proposal presentation

Task 3

For this task I am expected to produce a design documentation that is appropriate for a proposal to a production company. I was required to choose my won theme, so I decided to work on recreating the makeup of Morticia Adams, from the Adams Family.

Below are photos of the slides from my presentation document. Each slide has bullet point sentences to influence the points I spoke about. Below each photo is a more in depth description of the infotmation I actually spoke about.

On the first page of my presentation, I introduced the task, and purpose of the document.

Here, I crated a college showcasing previous depictions of the Adams family. I collected images from the original movie and television show, animated remake, and multiple on stage musical versions. Showing multiple different examples of a concept helps show I have researched in to multiple different backgrounds of the character, helping expand my knowledge of the character and where they come from. From these images you can clearly see that the Adams family are an unusual collective. Furthermore its obvious that they look very similar in each depiction, implying there is a specific reaction wanted from the audience.

Here, I further explained the story line of the movie, helping build the origin and background story of my chosen character. Using the previous images to support, I built the idea that the family are unusual and seen as frightening by others around them. Combining elements of traditional horror movie characters helps ensure the audience has the desired reaction, upon a characters first appearance. Additionally, I researched in to the origins of my characters name, and looked in to multiple different subjects that may be implied by this. This helps to build my characters background, and amplify the initial ideas the audience will have, triggered by the appearance of each character.

Here I have created another collage, this time focusing only on my chosen character. Again, I have collected images from multiple sources to compare the way her character is portrayed in different settings. I used these images to support my description of Morticia’s typical appearance.

Here I have created another collage, this time of photos showing how witches are usually portrayed in tv and film. I used this collection of images to support my view, that Morticia’s character appearance is nothing like that of a traditional witch. Instead, her actions are used to build her character, rather than focusing on the makeup for an initial understanding, creating a clear idea of her background..

This slide contains an annotated photo of my first makeup design. I created this design to show how witches are commonly represented in the film industry, and explained that I created a more glam version to imply that this character isn’t all as bad as she seems. However, I further explain this look would not be suitable for this production, as the Adams Family are unaware of why others view them as frightening. I think it goes without saying that Morticia may have a strong idea of why shes an out cast, if her appearance was so different to that of everyone around her.

For my second design, I recreated the original look Morticia is seen wearing in the movies, tv show and even on stage. In every appearance her character tends to have a very specific appearance, in terms of hair and makeup. I think in a performance this look is effective, as her character is mainly built through her actions. However, upon first look I personally think this looks more like a vampire than a witch. I think the minimal use of colour, and focus on black and greys with a pop of red, makes me think of the slender, pale look that vampires typically show. I understand why this look is used, as it is just a grunge version of a basic glam that may be worn by others around her. This helps to imply that the family just want to fit in with regular society, but would rather be themselves than change to fit societies standards.

This design shows my interpretation of Morticia’s character. I have recreated the makeup by combining the colours green and purple, that are commonly connected with witches. Furthermore, I have kept the harsh contour as I think the appearance of sunken cheeks is really effective for this character, however I have chosen to use warmer colours to eliminate the impression of a vampire. I have also added a mole above the lip, as moles and warts on the face are also usually linked with witches. I chose a mole rather than a wart as this look is far more glamorous of those of a typical witch. This is to help build the idea that the family want to fit in with the normal society, but will not change themselves to fit the standards.

Above is a list of products that I would use if I created this look.

Here is an initial hair design I put together, to showcase how Morticia’s hair is usually worn.

I further developed this idea by explaining that I believe adding grey or white highlights throughout the hair would be effective in building this character. Personally, I think having the hair long, straight and down works really well for this character. A beehive could be added but personally, I connect up do’s to Dracula’s bride, when thinking of traditional horror movie characters. Therefore I decided to stick with a simple hairstyle, keeping the focus on the makeup, to prevent any confusion around this character.

Finally, I added in two slides at the end of my document, noting some of the important health and safety factors that would need to be considered when creating a makeup look. This helps support that I have the knowledge needed to work in a professional environment, such as a movie set. When presenting this document I not only stated each factor, but explained why they were important.

Published by Megan Hoff

A level 3 production arts makeup student at Fareham college.

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