Reflect, Research and Identify.

Task 1

For this task I must complete a skills audit from 3 points in the year to highlight areas of strength, and others that could still be developed. This helps to ensure I am constantly reflecting on my progress.

Then, I must create a case study of a working industry professional, highlighting their career and how they have reached the stage they are currently at. I will achieve this by researching in to an industry professional.

Lastly, I must identify multiple potential paths of progression, explaining the purpose of each, and how they could help me on my journey.


For this section, I must complete a skills audit. I have chosen my 3 points of the year to be : October 2021 ( Units 1 and 2 ), December 2021 (Units 3 and 4), and February 2022 (Units 5 and 6). I am going to complete an evaluation of my work at each stage, comparing the strengths and weaknesses within my work, and highlighting what I can develop, and how I can achieve this.

Units 1 and 2

Even when comparing my practice work, to my final assessment look, I believe you can clearly see an improvement in my work, after taking on the feedback from my peers, as well as my own evaluations. For example, In my first attempt at stage makeup, the foundation was not blended down the neck, on to the ears, or into the hairline – creating a very unnatural look. However during my practical assessments I ensured this target was met, blending the foundation all over to ensure my performer had a flawless base appearance when on stage. 

Another target I set myself during this unit was to work on my symmetry. When creating stage makeup, facial features such as the eyes and lips must be over lined to stand out. During my first few attempts of this style of makeup, the lines I had created under the eyes were unsymmetrical. This was not obvious from a distance, but I still wanted to ensure my makeup was to the best possible standard for my final assessment. I think this definitely improved before my assessment, however it is still a skill that needs some practice.

These units were the first time I had to independently complete extensive research, and reference during coursework. I am pleased with the overall outcome of my work, especially considering it was my first time doing anything like this. At the start of this assignment I did struggle to understand what the brief meant, and how to achieve the research and referencing targets, however after some lessons on how to Harvard reference I quickly got the hang of it. However, I believe I could have carried out more detailed research for the tasks, so I set myself the target to dive deeper when researching, once I had become more confident about the research and referencing.

Units 3 and 4 

This unit really helped me to develop my research skills, by requiring me to complete a script breakdown, comparison and a formal interview. Similar to the first units, when I first read this brief I was confused about what was expected of me. I had never completed a script breakdown before, therefore, had no idea what one was or how to do so. However after some research, and guidance from our lecturer I was soon in the process of completing this task. My script breakdown was not the most detailed, but I am pleased with how well I did, considering at the start I wasn’t even sure what a script breakdown was. I think completing the comparisons task really helped influence my ideas when creating my designs. Completing this task after learning about audience perspectives in units 1 and 2, was vital in the hair and makeup design process. The knowledge I had from units 1 and 2 combined with what I was learning in the duration of this assignment, helped me further understand how important the role of hair and makeup is, when building a character in the audience’s minds. Furthermore, I believe completing the formal interview helped massively improve my confidence, and communication skills, when working with clients. I also think this was a great example of ways to gain primary research.

I am really pleased with the final practical outcome of this assignment. Once again, I believe it is clear to see that I listened to the feedback I was given by my peers, as well as working towards the targets I had set, and finding creative ways to solve problems. For example, when I first created this look, I used black eye shadow on and around the lips. Immediately, I noticed that this technique would not withstand the duration of the performance, as it was wearing off the lips almost straight away. Next, I tried using a black water based face paint, this was also unsuccessful as It was uncomfortable for the model once it had dried. Also, as this product is water based it would smudge when the performer had a drink, and could also potentially start to run due to sweat. I did not own a black lipstick, or gloss, nor did I have enough time to purchase one. Therefore, I used creative problem solving to create a product myself. I mixed vaseline with some black eye shadow, to create a comfortable yet effective lip gloss. This product worked perfectly for the look we were creating, and I was so pleased to have solved the problem.

Furthermore, I am very happy with the planning of this look. I believe I created creative, detailed face charts, each with a clear explanation of their purpose. I worked alongside my client to create a look that clearly resembles her character. This character in particular has 2 faces, each of which look very similar to other characters. Therefore, we created a split face look, with a shadow to help indicate that one of the faces is a mask. I had never created shadows before and therefore am so happy with how it made the look come together. After this task, I decided I wanted to work on creating more realistic face charts, a target I set myself ready for the next units. I also used this task to help improve my symmetry skills (when creating the mouth and teeth), and meet the target I set from the last assignment.

Units 5 and 6

I definitely believe this is the best work I have produced so far. I ensured that in this assignment I worked on meeting or exceeding all the targets I had set for myself, and took on all feedback I was given by my peers. In this assignment, I believe that I met my target of more detailed research. Using independent research, alongside the information I had been taught at college, I documented my findings, with lots of images to support. Ensuring I provided detailed research into makeup trends, product ingredients, multiple examples of influences, as well as other important hair, fashion and beauty factors, I believe I exceeded my expectations from the target I had previously set for research and presentation.

For the practical section of this assignment, I ensured to experiment with multiple different techniques to create a certain look.  This helped me to build my product knowledge, and ensured I would always be confident to use an alternative method, if I ever needed too. When recreating makeup looks from the past, I tried to stick to the traditions as much as possible. I used a modern alternative to the products used at the time in order to create the most historically accurate look possible. Although some of these practices may be seen as strange in the modern makeup world, I think this worked really effectively in the finished looks.

When working on creating a male look, I challenged myself to include certain special effects into my design. This helped ensure I am continuously pushing myself to the best of my ability, helping improve my skills. As I was creating a male look, I didn’t want to just have a plain face, and therefore decided to add cuts and bruises into my look. When planning my face charts, I ensured to research bruising and how they aged, in order to create the most realistic finish possible. I pushed myself even further in my assessment when creating the bruise, as I had only created a bruising effect three times before the assessment! I definitely exceeded my expectations when looking at the finished result, and I’m so pleased I set myself this challenge. Furthermore, I believe this also helped me to meet the target I set myself, by ensuring I created even more detailed, realistic face plans than before.

Now I am more comfortable with researching independently, and how to reference, I have set myself the target to continue detailed research and referencing when working towards planning a makeup look. I will achieve this by ensuring I have a clear plan of when I would like to complete each task. Planning out my actions helps ensure I reach my goals on time, and gives me enough time to complete detailed work, rather that rushing,

I also want to ensure that I continue to challenge myself to experiment with new techniques and products, helping build my technical and problem solving skills, as well as building product knowledge. This can be achieved by ensuring that I try using different products and techniques for the same end result each time I practice. Therefore, when I create the final look I can combine the techniques I enjoyed, and leave out the ones that didn’t work so well.

Symmetry is a technique I would still like to work on. However, I have rapidly improved this since the start of my course, and now am much more confident when it comes to ensuring my makeup is symmetrical. Continuous practice will ensure I exceed this target.


For this section, I must research someone that works in the hair and beauty industry, creating a case study to identify their pathways, leading to the position they are currency working in. This will help to show a real life example of the options I have when leaving college.

For My case study, I chose to interview my cousin, Candice Dean, who has been working in the hair and beauty industry for almost 8 years. Candice very kindly slotted me into a very busy schedule, as she was on a flight to a job in Venice when answering my questions !!

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Candice first studied at Kohl Makeup Academy, in Cape Town, South Africa. Her course lasted only 6 months, covering a range of themes, including Bridal, Avant Garde, and even some Special Effects techniques.

Upon leaving college, Candice was lucky to assist Makeup artist, Jessica Le Clos, on various commercials in South Africa including, Rosetta Stone Language School, and Ackermans Clothing. Candice longed to work in film/tv and fashion, so Jessica advised her to study hairdressing too. Jessica explained people may be more likely to hire a hair or makeup artist if they are double skilled. This has always stuck with Candice, and inspired her next moves.

Next, Candice decided to move to London, UK. Before starting her hair career, she worked as a waitress for roughly two and a half years, to help build funds and to keep earning a living while deciding which path to take. One day, Candice did the makeup of a colleague and friend at the restaurant. Coincidentally, someone came into the restaurant and loved Candice’s work, so invited her on to a test shoot for makeup and hair. On this shoot, Candice met a hairstylist who asked Candice to interview for a new salon on Kings Road, in Chelsea.

Candice then started working as an assistant in a brilliant blow dry bar, called the Duck&Dry, and stayed there for roughly six months. Then, she and some colleagues moved over to another blow dry bar, called SHOW dry – owned by Tamara Ecclestone – in Notting Hill, on West Bourne Grove. In her six months at the salon, Candice loved the experience of working with A-list clientele. Candice explained to me that many of her clients would come to get ready for charity dinners, awards, weddings etc.

Blow Dry bars consist mainly of hair ups, event hairstyles, and of course blowdries but, Candice was eager to learn how to cut and colour. Therefore, she chose to branch out to a fully functioning salon (TaylorTaylor London, based in Liberty’s, Oxford Circus), including all hair services, while studying her VRQ level 2 qualification in hairdressing, at Kensington and Chelsea college. This course lasted one year, with Candice working four days of the week, alongside two days of attending college. 

Candice says she ‘absolutely loved working at TaylorTaylor and the hairdressers inspired me so much with their skills and their passion’. In particular Candice remembers two colleagues that stood out to her, Natalia, and Michael Kelly. Natalia, who would always answer any questions with such detail, helped Candice understand that this is an ever growing industry, and there is always room for improvement no matter how good you are. Candice recalled a time she complimented Natalia’s work, and she responded “I could’ve done better”, she explained at the time she thought this was crazy as the work was brilliant, however, now in Natalia’s position she can totally relate to wanting her work to be absolutely perfect.

Michael Kelly, a hair colourist, inspired Candice immensely, and became her mentor. Candice was Michael’s main assistant, and says he would challenge her by constantly asking her questions to help boost her knowledge, such as asking her what colour she saw when toner was being  processed. While working alongside Michael, Candice says her experience was crazy, but absolutely amazing. Long work days would see her working from 9am-8pm, with a lunch break around 4pm. However, Candice would be called back shortly after her breaks as Michael would need her and only her, as he had all his trust in her, and didn’t like to give anyone else Candice’s responsibilities. Eventually, Michael moved back to Australia, which made Candice upset as she had learned so much from him, and would forever be grateful.

Candice graduated from Kensington and Chelsea college with her level 2 VRQ, as well as a student of the year award, and after placing second place in the end of year hair competition. After her graduation, she decided to study further at the prestigious Sassoon Academy, in Bond street, to complete her level 3 NVQ, and Sassoon Diploma. This saw Candice attend training five days a week, making it hard to fit work into her schedule. However, luckily Candice still had savings from her waitressing job to get her through this period. While training here, Candice won first place for hair styling at her end of year soiree at Wella Academy, she also once again was named student of the year, and graduated top of her class, with an A in cutting, and in colouring.

After graduation Candice worked as a stylist at Rush in St Paul’s, London, before deciding to move away. Next, she decided to move to Sydney, Australia to work with her mentor Michael, as she needed some time away from London. Candice claimed working in Sydney was one of the most amazing experiences of her life, and she learned so much valuable knowledge. Working in Australia is tricky, due to visas, so Candice decided to move on to South Africa, however says she would have loved to work in Australia for longer. Candice still wasn’t ready to return to the Uk, so her next stop was Cape Town, where she had grown up. Here, she worked at an amazing salon called MOP, where everyone considered each other as family, and she claims their teamwork was so incredible. Shanti, the manager of MOP, had a huge influence on Candice, and who she is today, as a stylist. Candice says she ‘will always be eternally grateful to her.’ Candice described MOP as her dream salon, however she found it hard living in South Africa, so far away from her family, as she found it quite lonely at times, especially when Covid-19 hit.

Eventually, Candice returned to the UK, and is currently working in a beautiful salon in Wimbledon Village, POSE, which she absolutely loves. Candice loves her small, intimate team, as they are all super close and work extremely well together. Clientele is lovely, and she is in love with the salon aesthetic. Candice is currently working as a colourist and stylist. She decided to never specialise in just one as she loves both.

Working in fashion, on tv and commercials is an absolute dream for Candice, as she loves the magic of it all. Candice would love to get her colour degree, and potentially study tricology. This would enable her to help impact the lives of others even more than she does already, as she describes it would be more meaningful, than materialistic. Potentially, Candice may consider opening her own salon, to create a ‘beautiful, yet safe space for everyone. Including those who need guidance when going through something medical or traumatic, such as cancer patients, alopecia, post pregnancy, and wigs.’ Candice also explained she would love to work and study with Ayurvedic medicine, for a more internal approach to healing the body, for your hair.

Over the years, Candice has worked with many top brands, including Davines, Oribe, Wella, Kerastase, Shu Mera, Redken, and Joico. She has also completed various color courses with Wella hair, and Kevin Murphy. She has worked on various photo shoots, commercials, and fashion shows including, AFI Fashion Week, Van Cleef & Arpels Couture show, RAW sydney, Dr Natasha Cook – a Dermatology brand, and Ackermans. 

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For this section I must research, identify, and explain a shortlist of my 3 preferred training opportunities for when I leave college.

After researching multiple different progression routes, my first pick would be to attend university. My first choice of University is Solent, Southampton. Much like my cousin Candice, I would love to work in many different areas of the industry, rather than specialising in just one. Therefore, I am interested in the BA (Hons) in Make-up and hair design course, run at this university. This course runs for three years, and requires a minimum of 96 UCAS points for application. Covering commercial, fashion and media work, this course would help to further prepare me for a range of work in the hair and beauty industry. Then, once I had graduated, I could spend a further year here, completing the MA Makeup and Hair design features course, to help me gain specialist knowledge on prosthetics.

Another university I have looked into is Bucks-New university, in Buckinghamshire. The BA (Hons) in Hair and Make-up for film and Performance, is a two year course at Bucks new, with an entry requirement of 88-112 UCAS points. This university has a training makeup studio on campus, as well as inside the famous Pinewood studio. This allows students to build contacts, and have an almost immediate transfer into industry. As much as this is an amazing opportunity, as said before I think I would like to work in all areas of industry, rather than specialising just in TV and film, which is what this course is more focused on. Furthermore, staying close to home is important to me, and Bucks New University is much further than Solent (which is only a 30 minute drive away from my current home) however, I would not completely rule out an opportunity for this reason.

Many film production companies, such as Warner Brothers, and Disney, offer apprenticeships, allowing students to step straight into industry. I haven’t done much research into this topic but know it is definitely something that does interest me. However, it is hard to find much information on this subject at the moment, as Covid-19 has put many of these opportunities on hold.

When we went on a trip to Pinewood studios, One of the lecturers from Bucks New University was talking to us about her work in the industry, and the steps that got her to where she is today. She explained how she attended college, and after graduation worked her way up to industry by working in commercial salons, and expanding her connections. Eventually, she was working on huge film projects such as Gladiator, and travelled all around the world while working. However, when she decided to have children, she took a step back out of the industry, and into teaching. This is something that I am really keen to look into. I would love to graduate university and work in industry for a few years, and then when the time is right work towards getting the qualifications needed to teach hair and makeup. This appeals to me as I am a very family oriented person, and think I would rather drop some working responsibilities and spend more time with my family, while they were younger. Then, as they grow older I could potentially start to work on some more industry based projects again, like the lady from Pinewood, who now teaches part time, and works in industry when she can.

Another additional route of progression in this industry is going straight into work. After leaving college I could either go to work in a salon, or start up my own business as a freelance makeup artist. I would love to start up my own business after leaving college, to help support me financially while at university. I have already started to build a regular clientele, through private work I have completed, to help build my portfolio, and gain extra experience.

Many people also like to take a gap year, to travel, while deciding what they would like to do after college. Personally, I think I am comfortable with my choices and have a clear plan of how I would like to progress. However, If I ever did decide to take a year or two off, I would ensure to attend short courses to help ensure I am keeping on top of the latest trends, in an industry that is constantly evolving. Short courses are a crucial part of a hair and makeup artist’s career, as they ensure you are always reaching new limits.

Published by Megan Hoff

A level 3 production arts makeup student at Fareham college.

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