Reflective Journal

For this unit I had to keep a reflective journal, in order to ensure I can always refer back to any feed back I have gotten throughout this project.

In this post I have documented all of the Lecturer and peer feedback I have received for all of my practice work, leading up to the final assessment.

My own feed back is documented on a separate post (Practice photographs) under my Practical Outcome tab.

World Skills

Lecturer feedback – Natasha was extremely happy with the overall finished look, and how professionally I conducted myself throughout the process. She advised that maybe next time I made the liner on the left eye come down slightly lower, to create a more editorial effect.

World skills feedback – “Thankyou so much for participating in this years WSUK commercial make-up competition. Some interesting elements within your makeup and mood board that does support your overall application. The 60’s eye is well executed and the ageing makeup also nice aspects. However this is a commercial makeup competition but and interesting take.

Model feedback – Chloe-Ann loved the finished result, especially the ageing makeup. She said it was really strange to in vison how she may look when she was old, and was really proud of how well I did.

Peer 1 – ” I really love how you have re-created the same look on the elderly side, but have made sure it actually looks like an old person created it. You didn’t create a really bold and tidy look, as an old lady wouldn’t be able to do this. I think this helps to really bring your idea to life.

Peer 2 – ” Well done Megan this was absolutely brilliant work, you ensured to stay professional all throughout the process, ensuring to obide by all health and safety. Your overall look is great and you should be very proud. I also think it shows how open you are to feedback and constructive criticism as you took on board the feedback from your trial run, which helped really being the look together.

Body Painting

Lecturer feedback – Natasha complimented my smooth base application, and we agreed on the idea of trialling different techniques to create more even dots. Natasha was also really pleased with my line work, and the blending within the flower petals.

Model feedback – Abby was really impressed with how easy I found it to build up my colours, on top of the red base. She was also happy with the blending in the petals. However, she also said about using a different technique to create more even dots.

Peer 1 – ” I think this is lovely, and love how you have combined these colours together. This colour palette can be tricky to work with but you made it work exceptionally well”

Peer 2 – ” I love the line work and intricate detailing you have created in this look. I also love how you created an ombre effect in the flower petals, rather than just leaving them one colour. This really helps to show how willing you are to push yourself to your limits, especially as these colours must have been hard to blend together.”

Heated styling

Lecturer feedback – ” This is a beautiful finished bouncy blow dry, that has been very well executed”

Model feedback – ” This style is not something I would have particularly chosen for myself but I am so in love with how this looks, and will definitely be re-creating this on myself often.”

Peer 1 – ” These curls look amazing, I actually thought you had used a wand for this look. I also love the amount of volume you created at the root – it was just enough to prevent the hair from being flat, but wasn’t too overpowering, ensuring you didn’t take focus away from the curls”

Peer 2 – ” I think the finished result of this blow dry is lovely. I know how worried you were about creating this style on such short hair, but you did a great job. You also made sure to included the fringe in the style, which you have made blend in to the rest of the hair perfectly. Well done meg this is great”

Model feedback – ” This is exactly what I wanted, thankyou so much it is perfect. I feel like a princess!”

Peer 1 – ” Thankyou so much Megan, this is exactly the look Alyssia was going for and I can see how much she really loves it. You have made her day, thankyou again”

Peer 2 – ” This look is lovely, I think you brought her vision to life so well. I do agree with what your saying, in terms of next time you would ensure all the flicks were at the same level, but I do not think this takes any effect away from the overall finish.

Hair styling

Lecturer feedback – Natasha really liked this result, and said she loved how she could clearly see I am taking previous feedback on board, by ensuring to tame all fly-away’s. Natasha said she is really exited to see how this would look with all the accessories, if I happen to use this for my final assessment.

Peer feedback – ” This looks so lovely and I think it will work really well with your design, especially when you add the props.”

Lecturer feedback – ” You worked professionally throughout this lesson, ensuring you kept sound health and safety practice throughout. The overall finish is great for a first attempt, but to meet the industry standards, pay close attention to the small details, by ensuring none of the bobby pins can be seen.”

Peer feedback – “Your overall finish was very neat and tidy, you ensured all of your pins were tight, but maybe work harder on making sure they are not visible “

Vampire makeup

Lecturer Feedback – Natasha was really pleased with this look. She was especially impressed with how well I blocked out my brows, and how symmetrical all of my line work was. However, she did advise that I either use a lighter colour to colour correct my brows, or a higher coverage foundation, as the orange does pull through around the brow area.

Peer 1 – ” This look is amazing, I love how you worked with such a small colour palette, but ensured the overall finish was not dull.”

Peer 2 – ” I love how you combined runny and clotted blood to create a realistic effect. The result is great.”

Peer 3 – ” This is a great design, and you should be so proud of how well your linework went.”

Formative assessment – Stone creature

Lecturer feedback -Natasha was really pleased with my overall outcome, stating how she could clearly see how organised I am when planning my work, and loves the close attention to detail. “This texture combination is excellent, and really helps bring the design to life”

Model feedback – ” I love how you used a combination of textures and techniques to make sure the look was as realistic as possible. I think it would be even better if you added on the prosthetics today, and am so exited to see what this looks like next week.”

Peer 1 – ” I know how worried you were at the start of this process, but all your hard work paid off in the end. This looks amazing and you should be so proud of yourself”

Peer 2 – ” I love how you made sure to combine many techniques, allowing you to show your work at the best of it’s ability. I love this look and think your ideas are very clearly represented. “

Published by Megan Hoff

A level 3 production arts makeup student at Fareham college.

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