Character breakdown

For this task I must complete a performance and character breakdown to identify any visual and/or practical requirements that I should include in my hair and makeup designs.


Korg is a character in the marvel universe, first introduced in the comic book – Journey into mystery #83. He is a Kronan warrior, who has much more to offer than first meets the eye. I have chosen to complete a character breakdown of Korg, as not only does his appearance fit with the look I am wanting to create, but the character itself is exactly what I am wanting to portray in my look.

Upon first appearance, Korg appears to be brute, fierce, intimidating and strong. However his character has a much more sensitive, kind hearted and humorous personality, beneath his hard surface.


As previously mentioned, this character belongs to a group known as the Kronan’s. Kronan’s are an ancient race of rock-like humanoid beings that wield superhuman physical abilities.

Korg has superhuman strength, with the ability to knock back even the strongest of opponents in one hit, as well as great durability and stamina, allowing him to partake in long battles. Furthermore, Korg is highly skilled in combat, and is a great marksman, making him a great addition to any team in a battle. These skills allow Korg to play an extremely important role in protecting those around him.

Despite all of this, Korg was forced to participate in the grand masters contest of champions. This helps to build the impression that there is a much softer side to Korg’s character. As, despite his intimidating appearance, Korg was pressured into something against his will.

Additionally, Korg helps Thor and Hulk escape from Sakura and then joins them and the Asgaurdian’s on their journey to earth. This further helps build the idea of this character’s kinder nature, as he is not just expecting to lead them, because he helped them.

Below are some quotes from the movie Thor – Ragnarok, to help show how this characters’ kind nature is evident through his words and actions, despite his appearance.

“Over here. This pile of rocks waving at you. I’m actually a thing. I’m a being. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Korg. I’m kind of like the leader here. I’m made of rocks, as you can see, but don’t let that intimidate you. You don’t need to be afraid unless you’re made of scissors! Just a little Rock, Paper, Scissors joke for you.” ―Korg to Thor

  • Here, Korg introduces himself to Thor, in a bid to comfort him, and ensure he is not intimidated by his initial appearance. This helps to show that Korg is aware that he may appear intimidating, or frightening upon first glance, but wants to ensure that those around him are comfortable, and know he really has a kind heart. Furthermore, the joke at the end shows his humorous side, proving his character is much less serious than you may expect.

“Ah, yuck, there’s still someone’s hair and blood all over this. Guys, can you clean up the weapons once you’ve finished your fight? Disgusting slobs.” -Korg to Thor and Hulk

  • This shows that little inconveniences bother Korg, helping to imply that he has a sensitive nature. Upon first glance his character may appear fierce and strong, but if Korg was really as fierce as he seemed, I’m sure seeing messy weapons wouldn’t bother him,but may rather satisfy him. Furthermore, he is complaining about the situation, but ensures to drop in some humor, ensuring the others don’t feel afraid.

“The damage is not too bad. As long as the foundations are still strong, we can rebuild this place. It will become a haven for all peoples and aliens of the universe. Oof. Now those foundations are gone. Sorry.”―Korg to the Asgardians 

  • Furthermore, this proves that despite his initial appearance, Korg is a kind hearted character, who is loyal, and cares about those around him. Following an attack, Korg is keen to show the people of Asgard that hope is not lost, showing he looks for the positives even in the darkest of times. This also makes his loyalties to Thor even more evident, as Korg helps Thor’s people in a time of need.

T-“Every time I threw it, it would always come back to me.”

K-“Sounds like you had a pretty special and intimate relationship with this hammer, and you losing it was almost comparable to losing a loved one.”

T-“That’s a nice way of putting it.”

Thor and Korg

  • Once again, this quote helps to amplify the kind heartedness of this specific character. The way he describes the relationship between Thor, and his hammer, helps put into perspective how Korg really does have a kind heart, and finds the most positive and gentle ways of helping people, despite his brute, intimidating appearance. This creates the idea of Korg being a gentle giant.
Thor: Ragnarok - Movie Reviews

In an interview, Taika Waititi (the actor who voices Korg) stated, “We wanted to change the idea of what a hulking guy made of rocks could be. He’s huge and heavy, but with a light soul. We wanted to make him funny and a relatable entry point into this world. And Thor needs friends”.  This proves my interpretations of this character’s actions to be correct, as the intention of this character was to break certain boundaries and expectations.

Therefore, I have chosen to use this character for inspiration when creating my final designs. As previously mentioned I love how this character is evident when first seen, but it’s appearance can be deceiving, making this  a great opportunity for me to explore how using different products and techniques can help me portray the true nature of a character. 

Fun fact ; When idle, Korg grows moss, helping to build upon the idea that he is a natural element that will age. Thai also adds another human feature to him, as the moss helps to imply he is aging.

Published by Megan Hoff

A level 3 production arts makeup student at Fareham college.

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