Fantasy – Introduction

In this post, I will begin to explore and justify my initial ideas for my given theme.

For my unit 8 final major project, I have been given the theme fantasy, and asked to create a hair and makeup design showcasing my best skills. I am extremely excited to be working with this theme, as fantasy is such a wide bracket meaning I have many options to explore.

When I think of fantasy, the first things that come to mind are elves and fairies, living in lands far, far away. One of the biggest targets I have been working towards, is to be more creative with my designs, and push the boundaries of themes, by taking briefs less literally. Therefore during this unit I want to ensure that I really think about what fantasy could mean, and create something unusual, rather than immediately sticking with my first thought. More importantly I want to make sure my work differs from that of my classmates, and I feel like many people would have had the same immediate thoughts as mine (of fairies, princesses and lands far away)

To me, a fantasy is anything out of the ordinary, that could not be real. Whether it be a dream, or an idea someone explores in order to take a break from the realities of life, I think fantasies are a way of people expressing their raw emotions, from joy to fear. Furthermore, I think many people initially think of all the happy endings in fairy tales, but I believe there is also a  more negative side to fantasy too (certain aspects of the paranormal world, the idea of monsters, villains and mutants are prime examples of this.) This is definitely something I would like to explore when creating my designs, to ensure I am pushing the common boundaries of this theme.

Here is a mind map I created, consisting of my initial ideas for this theme. This will be explored in more detail during my research.

Published by Megan Hoff

A level 3 production arts makeup student at Fareham college.

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