Final hair and makeup designs

Below, are my final, developed hair and makeup designs, that were used for reference during my final assessment.

As you can clearly see in the image above, I have added multiple aspects to this deign since you last saw it, to ensure I have fully developed my initial idea.

*All of the additional techniques I have added, are written in green and purple*

I have developed this design by adding:

Fullers earth – To create a more realistic texture, and add extra colour

Prosthetics (faux Ivy) – To build the idea that this creature is living, and allow me to showcase another strong skill.

Moss – Further builds the idea that this creature is living, adding the extra detail will help me further create a realistic, rock-like texture.

Shading – Around facial features to help amplify the idea that this is a living creature, not just an ordinary statue.

I also made sure to adapt my initial design, dialling down the amount of paint splatter to ensure focus is drawn to the greenery, not the splatter.

Above, is a reference image I used when creating the hair.

I chose this image specifically, as the hair is made up of multiple shades of grey, therefore, perfectly represents the look I am aiming to create.

Published by Megan Hoff

A level 3 production arts makeup student at Fareham college.

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