Mood boards and Colour Swatches

For this task, I must create mood boards and a collection of colour swatches, that work towards inspiring my final idea.

The first mood board shows a collection of fantasy makeup looks. I created this mood board to help me visualise how broad this theme really is. This collection of images clearly shows how imaginative one can be, when creating a design for this theme.

Next, I created a mood board and colour swatch palette for each of my initial designs.

First, I created a mood board of my favourite initial design, the stone creature. I especially loved creating this as it helped to really show that even though it may initially sound like a simple concept, so much can be done with it. My mood board clearly represents this as not one of these images looks identical to the next.

Next, I created a second mood board, this time of colour swatches. This helps me explore potential colour palettes, and visualise how I may be able to use harmonising colours to really amplify my look.

Secondly, I created a mood board to further explore my vampire design. Creating this mood board helped to further push me towards creating one of my other designs, although I love the outcomes, I feel all of these look very similar and therefore I wouldn’t be able to do much of my own. Furthermore, most of these looks are built upon a glam makeup, and I really wanted to push myself to my limits in my final assessment, in order to showcase my best work.

This design also has a very simplistic, small colour palette, once again making me believe this look was less suitable for my final project.

Lastly, I created a mood board for my alien design. Once again, creating this board pushed me further towards creating the statue look, as although I love these designs I feel like sci-fi is very much a genre of its own – as previously mentioned in my designs.

Creating a look like this would allow me to use a broad colour palette, however I am really looking forward to working with a smaller, duller palette and using the perfect combination of colours to make the final look pop.

Published by Megan Hoff

A level 3 production arts makeup student at Fareham college.

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