Historical context

For this task, I have researched in to the history of the attack on Pearl Harbor, allowing me to familiarize myself with the real events of this attack. This will allow me to analyse the film more thoroughly, as I can compare the story line to the true events of this day. This will further, allow me to create the most realistic effects when it comes to my SFX makeup assessment.

Naval Station Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

The attack on Pearl Harbor refers to the unprovoked, surprise aerial strike carried out by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service, on the US Pacific Fleet, at Pearl Harbor, in Oahu – Hawaii. On December 7th 1941, the Japanese attacked at 7.55 am, just as the American military were waking, therefore, ensuring they had no fair chance at fighting back, or beating the Japanese. The attack lasted one hour, fifteen minutes, but caused extensive damage to the American military forces. During the attack; 19 US Navy ships – including 8 battleships were destroyed or damaged, 350 Aircraft were destroyed or damaged, there were 2403 deaths – including 68 civilians, and there were 1247 surviving casualties. USS Arizona, a Navy ship that was destroyed in this attack, remains sunk to this day, with its crew still on board- accounting for around half of the fatalities caused by this tragic strike.

USS Arizona Memorial - Wikipedia
Here is an image on USS Arizona today, the shipwreck is now held as a memorial to all of those lots in this battle.

The Japanese strike force consisted of 353 aircraft, launched from 4 heavy carriers. This included; 40 torpedo planes, 131 dive bombers, 103 level bombers, and 79 fighter jets, as well as 2 heavy cruisers, 2 light cruisers, 35 submarines, 9 oilers, 2 battleships and 11 destroyers. During the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese lost 29 aircraft, and 5 submarines, had one soldier taken prisoner, and around 129 of their own were killed. Even Though the Imperial Japanese Army Air force caused extensive damage to the US Armed forces during this attack, the US bounced back extremely quickly, carrying out a retaliation strike only six months later, in June 1942. On this occasion the US Carrier fleet was sent to attack Japanese forces, sinking four aircraft carriers, in what is now known as the Battle of Midway. 

Pearl Harbor | Origins
The Imperial Japanese Army Air force, preparing to attack Pearl Harbor.

The attack on Pearl Harbor led American president, Franklin.D.Roosevelt to call upon congress and declare war on Japan, on December 8th, resulting in America’s entry into World War Two. This further led Japan to ally with Germany and Italy. However, the Americans eventually defeated the Japanese Empire in August of 1945.

United States declaration of war on Japan - Wikipedia
President Franklin.D.Roosevelt, signing Americas declaration of war against Japan on December 8th, 1941.

Published by Megan Hoff

A level 3 production arts makeup student at Fareham college.

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