
Here, I have completed an in depth evaluation of the work I created for my final SFX assessment, based on the Pearl Harbor film.

Face – Front view

For my outcome, I created a typical day to day 1940’s natural makeup. I am extremely pleased with the look I created, and believe it represents the decade well. Additionally, I added bruising to the face – around the eyes and nose. I am pleased with the results if this and think I created a very realistic fresh bruising illusion. Furthermore, I created a bloody nose, which I believe was very effective. To tie this look together, I ensured to smudge the lipstick, which again I think was very effective.

I believe this look would have looked even better if I had added charcoal powder across the face. This would further add to the idea that my nurse had been caught up in explosions, making the overall look much more realistic. I also wish I had added tears, and smudge marks around the eyes.

Face – Right view

On the right side of the face, I applied a pre-made prosthetic to the side of the forehead. I am pleased with how seamlessly this prosthetic blended over the brow, and up towards the hair line. However, the edge closest to the hair line didn’t blend very well, leaving it visible. I am very pleased with the coloring I created on this wound, and think it creates a great effect. Furthermore, I filled this wound with coffee, which created incredible depth and texture. Additionally, I created some shrapnel for the wound using tin foil. I believe this greatly added to the realism of the finished look.

Face – Left view

 On the left side of the face, I created my own laceration – using sculpt gel. I applied the product directly on to the skin, blended the edges and then molded it into the desired shape. Once set, I added coloring and blood. I am extremely pleased with the result of this technique and will definitely be using it again. I believe this looked very realistic however, adding more blood drips coming from higher in the wound would have made this eve more effective.

Burn (third degree)

Additionally, I created a third degree burn on the lower right leg. Although I am pleased with the overall finish, I could have added more depth to the burn by using darker reds, and purples in the un-raised areas. However, I do believe I created a very effective charring effect, which made up for the lack of definition on the red parts. I also wish I had ripped the trousers even more to make the burn more visible.

Knee injuries

Furthermore, I created scrapes and scratches on the left knee, using a stipple sponge dipped in blood. I could have made this more technical, by creating the illusion of deep scratches – using liquid latex or sculpt gel – however I do believe the work I did create was very realistic. I also could have cut the trousers around the wound a bit better, to ensure it was clearly visible when my model was standing.

Arm injuries

Similar to the injury I created on the knee, I wish I had made this more technical by creating some deeper scratches with liquid latex. However, I am extremely happy with the realism of the bruising and scrapes that I did create.

Bullet wound (entry)

Initially, I had used sculpt gel to create a homemade bullet wound prosthetic. I was really pleased with the outcome of this, as I had never tried it before. However, some issues on the day lead to this prosthetic being unusable. I had to think on my feet, and created the effect directly onto the skin, using the same product as before (sculpt gel). I was nervous about the outcome of this, but it actually ended up being really effective. Furthermore, I am really happy with the coloring I created and believe It made for a very realistic entry bullet wound.


I wanted to stretch the norm with my costume, and rather than sticking to a typical 1940’s nurses uniform, I wanted to use trousers to signify the fashion revolution that was happening during this decade. For the first time ever, it became widely accepted for women to wear trousers, and I wanted to give a nod to this historical context in my final piece. I am happy with the costume I created, and believe the slashing of the materials was very effective, as was the application of blood over the outfit. However, I do wish I had cut the clothes around certain injuries better, as the knee and burn were not clearly visible in the photographs taken from a distance.

Neat Hairstyle

I am very pleased with the look I created for my neat version of the continuous, padded roll. Although the top roll is slightly off balance towards the outer, left side I believe the roll I created was one of the best to date. Furthermore, I could have tamed the baby hairs around the forehead better, but I am extremely pleased with how well any fly away’s have been tamed, as they are almost non visible. I am also really pleased with my padding, grip and fine pin application, as none of them were visible.

Messy (finished) hairstyle


I am so pleased with the result of my finished hair look. The application of debris through the hair helped to create an extremely realistic finish, and tie the whole look together.

Overall, I do believe I could have done better if I was feeling better on the day of my assessment, but I am still extremely happy with the result of my look. I also love that I was able to clearly identify my areas of improvement, as it gives me a good idea of which areas I need to work on throughout the next section of this unit, to ensure my SFX skills are meeting an exceptional standard.

Published by Megan Hoff

A level 3 production arts makeup student at Fareham college.

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