Script breakdown

For this task, I have completed a script breakdown for my chosen character – Nurse Betty Bayer. This will halep me gain a deeper inisght in to Bettys life, and her personality, helping me to break down her appearance more accurately.

“ Do you have problems with your boobs in the uniform?”

Barbara – “You mean hiding them???”

“Hide them? On a date with pilots? I’m talking about how you make them show!”

Betty’s first introduction tells us a lot about her character. This immediately introduces us to her sense of humor, and also potentially could give a hint to her younger age – and immaturity. Furthermore, this shows Betty is desperate for love, and will go to any lengths to win a man over.

“Ooo… shes thinking of her date”

Later in the movie, we learn that Betty is much younger than the other nurses. Although we don’t know this for definite yet, the “ooo” could be a nod towards her younger age, as it gives off an impression of immaturity.

This also helps imply that Betty craves to be loved, as affection seems to be the topic of anything she says.

“I just want to tell you one thing. If you’re thinking this might be your last night on earth… I’m prepared to make it meaningful. Very meaningful.”

This shows us that Betty craves love so badly that she is willing to rush straight into things, and even put herself in a position where she will potentially be used by a man, as it will get her some physical affection, and make her feel loved and worthy. Betty introduces herself to the pilots with this line, making her intentions very clear, and helping show she is a very straight to the point, honest character.

“It’s been a month and you haven’t smiled. We just want you to know that we love you.”

This helps to support my idea that Betty looks at Evelyn as a motherly figure. Betty is willing to go to any lengths to show her support and appreciation towards Evevlyn, in the hopes she will soon feel happy again. The fact that seeing Evevlyn hurt, makes Betty hurt, helps imply the two have a stronger, deeper connection than just two friends and colleagues. 

“Raif sent his best friend to tell you it would be okay, so you could move on”

This implies that Betty looks for a deeper meaning in all things- and if we look deeper that may indicate that she believes in the spiritual world.

Alternatively, this may show immaturity, building upon the hints toward her younger age, as her words make it seem she believes life is like in the movies- and it’s far from that!

“You know what they’re doing back home? Nothing. Cow- tipping”

This shows Betty uses her humor as a coping mechanism, especially for her past traumas. Furthermore, this implies Betty felt like her home life was holding her back, making it obvious she is extremely proud of where she is now, and the important role she is currently fulfilling. Additionally, this shows she feels she is doing something extremely worthy with her life.

In contrast, this also gives me the impression that Betty holds her family in a low regard. Building on the fact that she ran away and left them behind, when she talks about them it always seems to be in a negative manner, in this phrase she seems to be mocking them, as if she doesn’t want to be associated with them at all. This may also show some cockiness, as maybe Betty now feels she is too good for them.

Betty’s death;

During this scene, the nurses are outside assessing patients, making the hard decisions of who to treat, and who to leave to leave to die- as the hospital is not big enough for everyone. A man comes running with a – clearly deceased – girl in his arms. Evelyn checks for a pulse before saying;

 “She’s gone too… take her”

Next, Evelyn brushed the blonde hair from the woman’s face, only to reveal this casualty was Betty. Eventhough bombs are blasting, and there is gunfire coming from every direction, the world goes silent for Evelyn. She has lost her biggest supporter and best friend. 

This builds upon the idea that Bety was a very loving and caring character, who had a huge impact on all those around her. All of her fellow nurses treasured her, and held her in very high regard, even despite her younger age – which made her a slight outcast from the other girls, as she was very innocent.

This also helps to support my idea that Betty and Evelyn have a stronger connection, like sisters, or even mother and daughter.

Appearance breakdown

Here, I have picked appart some of Betty’s features, and eplained how I beleive these have been used to give hints to her charecters personality and back story.

2001 Pearl Harbor Movie Set PICTURED JAIME KING as Nurse Betty Bayer  RELEASE DATE 25 May 2001 MO

Glowy skin – Betty’s skin always seems to be radiant and glowy. This could be a nod to her youth, as her clear skin could all be due to no signs of physical ageing. Betty is just coming in to woman hood, making her – health wise – at her prime. This means she would appear healthy- giving her a beautiful natural glow.

Blusher – A heavier blush application may have been used to indicate innocence and purity. This further builds upon the hints towards Betty’s younger age.

Lip colour – The soft, red lip that Betty is seen wearing throught the film may have been used to imply her soft, gentle and caring nature. The lighter colour, and softer finish may seem like nothing, but small touches like this are often included to add subtle hints to ones true nature.

Hair – Betty’s long, wavy blonde locks give an immediate impression of elegance and beauty. When we look depper this may have been added to show that Betty is easily infulenced, as she is followin the styles made popoular by many famous faces of the era. This may further support the ideas that she is younger than the others, by showing she is trying her hardest to fit in by following the crowd, and appear older than she really is.

Fuigure – Betty is of a small, yet curvy build. Her natural curves may have been empahsisied to help show she is a mature charceter. Eventhough she is younger in age than the other nurses, Betty is very confident in herself and what she wants for her life. This may also indicate she had a rough childhood, leading her to become very mature and independednt from an extremely young age.

Skin – Furthermore, betty has very fair skin. During this time, plae skin often indicated those of the lower class. Having paler skin showed you weren’t well traveled therefore, indiating you were not of a highter, richer class. This further builds upon the idea of her rough up-bringing.

Published by Megan Hoff

A level 3 production arts makeup student at Fareham college.

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