SFX Reflective Journal

Here, I have doccumented and evaluated all of the work I created leading up to my final assesment.

5/9/2022 – Liquid latex


I am extremely impressed with the outcome of this work. I think I managed to achieve a realistic coloring and overall effect, however I would like to work on the beading technique for applying blood, to help give an even more realistic finish. I love the 3d effect that using latex creates, and think it gives a much more realistic finish than just using blood and a stipple sponge on its own. Personally, I think using latex is a great way to define a scratch, and helps provide a clear difference between a scratch and a scrape. 

Peer feedback ; The overall finish of this is great and the shape you created with the latex was really good, use smaller beading to make this look more realistic.


In today’s lesson we also created rashes using liquid latex. I think I did a good job on the coloring, but wasn’t overly keen on the overall finish. I feel this technique would be much more suitable for creating burns, acne, boils, or maybe larger shaped rashes – like hives. 

Peer feedback : Great overall finish, try to be more in form with the placement of the latex as this will create a more realistic rash.

12/9/2022 – Molding products

In today’s lesson I experimented with Artex, when creating a fresh scar. I feel I need much more practice with this product before I am comfortable and confident enough to use it in an assessment setting, as the overall finish was not realistic at all. I found the product was very hard to work with, as it was difficult to place and mold. Furthermore, I struggled to color over and around this product, leaving the coloring around the injury very bold and unblended.

Peer feedback ; I think if your sections of the scar were placed closer together you may have found working with this product much easier, also maybe try using the alcohol activated paints instead of the grease paints – maybe these will give you a smoother finish.

13/9/2022 – Setting 101

In this lesson we went over the basics of setting hair, and were reminded how to create a brick, directional, and channel set. After a demonstration, we had to create one of each set ourselves. I am very proud of the sets I created, all of wich had a very neat finish.

Brick set – I took some of these sections too large resulting in a lack of tension, but overall I am happy with the finished result, as I managed to identify this issue and resolve it before it became too much of a problem.

Directional set – My sectioning needed some work, but this set had great tension.

Channel set – Good tension and placement, but I need to work on my sectioning.

Peer feedback ; Slight lack of tension on some rollers, but an overall good attempt was shown.


In today’s lesson, I created my first attempt at a french pleat with victory rolls. I am very pleased with the overall finish of this style,especially considering it was my first attempt. However, I must remember to use finishing products – like hairspray- to ensure I tame all fly aways. I also feel I need more practice with victory rolls before I am confident in creating this style. However, overall I enjoyed creating this style, also known as a vertical roll.

Peer feedback – Great first attempt, remember to tame all fly aways using hairspray, and don’t forget to hide the grips.


Third degree burns

Today, I used gelatine to create my first third degree (open fire) burn. I am extremely impressed with the result of my first attempt at this technique, and how realistic the finish was. I also loved learning about different product alternatives in this lesson, and was amazed to learn that crushed vitamin tablets are used for creating a bubbling, melting effect on burns.

Peer feedback – An amazing first attempt with an extremely realistic finish and coloring, you should be extremely proud.

Wig making introduction

Additionally, in today’s second practical lesson we had our wig making introduction. In this lesson we were taught how to set up and prepare our station for work, before learning how to ventilate. Then, we began to make our ventilating sample, by creating a mustache postiche. I am happy with how this came out, but must ensure I take smaller sections of hair.


During this lesson, I had my second attempt at creating a french pleat. My balance was slightly off, as the roll was off center, but the overall finish was neat. Additionally, I had my first attempt at a padded, horizontal roll. I also learned how to create a side twist in the front of the hair. This was my favorite style I have created so far, and I am so impressed with how neat and tidy the overall finish was.

Peer feedback ; Very neat finish, with most flyaways tamed however your balance needs practice.



Today I practiced a third degree burn for the second time, during this lesson. I believe this makeup is very effective, and creates a strong house fire effect. However, I believe the coloring from my first attempt was much more realistic.

Peer feedback ; Amazing work, the charred effect is really well shown and the bubbling of the skin looks incredible.

Furthermore, in this lesson I also created a second degree burn blister. I like the effect this created, but I need to practice my coloring technique on latex, in order to achieve the most realistic finish.

Peer feedback ; Good attempt, practice you coloring over this product to perfect the blending. Maybe use some blood next time.

In my wig making lesson, I was introduced to weaving, specifically the once-in-weave technique, and began my first sample. I am so pleased with how fast I picked this up, but need to make sure I am taking smaller sections of hair to create a perfect finish.

Peer feedback – Great first attempt you should be really proud of how quickly you have picked this up. Remember to take smaller sections of hair, allowing you to achieve a neater finish.


During my hair lesson, I once again practiced a french pleat, with victory rolls. I am so pleased with the result and think it was my best attempt to date. However, I still need to remember to use finishing products to slick back any fly aways, creating a tidy overall finish.

Peer feedback ; Great attempt, with huge improvement from last week. Just remeber to use finishing products to tame any fly aways.

Additionally, I created a padded, horizontal roll for the third time. I believe this to be my best attempt to date, and I am impressed with the slick and tidy finish. However, I must continue to practice victory rolls – as the ones I created didn’t hold for very long.

Peer feedback ; Good overall finish, just make sure to practice in order to perfect the victory rolls.

Furthermore, In this lesson I created a continuous roll around the whole head for the first time. I had so much fun creating this style, and love how neat the finished result was.

Peer feedback ; Beautifull first attempt with a a neat and tidy finish, just make sure to hide the grips and pins.


Second degree burns

In this lesson, I created a second degree burn blister for the second, and third time. I think my second attempt was the most successful, as the coloring gave a far more realistic finish.

Peer feedback; Good coloring, maybe add some burns gel to create and even more realistic look.

I think if I added some gloss of burn gel over the third creation it would have created a brilliant effect. However, the way I left it looked unrealistic.

Peer feedback ; The wound filler looked really effective under this blister, just make sure to use some burns gel on the outside to create a realsitic wet, weeping look.

Wig making

IN today’s wig making lesson I had to re-start my once-in-weave sample, as the silk from my first attempt snapped. This Time  I ensured to take smaller hair sessions of hair, creating a much neater sample. I am extremely pleased with the result of this trial, it is much better than last time, and I have also gotten much faster.

Peer feedback; You have improved so much since last wekk, and I can see you hve clearly taken your feedback onboard by crating a much neater finish after taking smaller sections of hair.


Today. I practiced a continuous roll for the second time. I am so pleased with the finished result of this style, as it is very neat and tidy. The balance on the top roll is slightly off, however this can be easily fixed.

Peer feedback ; Good, tidy finish. You hid the grips really well just make sure to work on your balance.

Furthermore, I also created a page boy style for the first time during this lesson. This style needs practice to be perfect, as there was not much definition, however I am pleased with the overall finish – especially for my first attempt.

Peer feedback; Good first attempt just make sure to work on defining the divide in the hair. You can use clips to achieve this.

12/10/2022-NARU workshop

Today, we had Sue and Nancy from NARU visit us to provide us with a training day, and briefly, before we attend their final exercise. During this training, I created scrapes, scratches, cuts and bruising, using a range of different products and techniques. Overall, I am happy with the result of these trials, as the makeup for NARU needs to be created quickly, but must be effective.

Peer assesment ; You created some amzing work today that was very effective. Well done, we cant wait to see what you create next week on the day of the final exercise.

17/10/2022 – Bullet wounds

In today’s lesson, I experimented with different materials to help me decide the most effective way of creating a bullet wound in my final assessment.

First, I used a soft putty to create an exit bullet wound. I think this created  a great effect, but the wax left a defined orange-toned patch on the skin, making the putty stand out. After finishing the effect with coloring and blood, a very gorey effect was created.

Peer feedback; This created a great overall effect, but the orange colouring of the putty is visable. If you use this product in assesment make sure to cover the putty with foundation.

Next, I tried using cine wax to create an entry bullet wound. Although this product’s color blended into the skin much more seamlessly, the wax didn’t stick to the skin well, and broke up easily.

Peer assesment ; Eventhough you had difficulty with making this product stick, you still created a great effect.

Additionally, I practiced a third degree burn again. Although this is much better than my second attempt, I still didn’t think the effect was as strong as my first attempt. I believe this is because I added too much red.

Peer feedback ; The charred effect looks really great, maybe use less red next time to create realism.

Wig making

Furthermore, I finished my first wig sample during this lesson. This was my once-in-weave sample, I am so pleased with the finished product, and have really enjoyed this so far.

Peer feedback ; You have picked this up so quickly, and should be proud of the sample you have created. You have created an overall neat finish, just remeber to stick to smaller sections of hair.

20/10/2022 – NARU exercise day

Today, I attended a NARU training exercise, helping to train paramedics to deal with mass casualty incidents. During this exercise I created many casualties, including; cuts, bruises, scrapes, slashed, and broken bones. Overall I am extremely proud of the work I created today, and think my work looked very realistic. I am especially proud of the broken leg I created. For this injury, I was given the scenario that someone’s leg had been run over by a car, causing a break. Although it’s the first time I have created this kind of bruising I was told I created a very realistic effect, and I was so pleased with the way it looked.

Peer feedback; You created some great, realistic pieces today. You should be extremely proud of all your work, well done.

8/11/2022 – Bald Cap hair prep (wrap)

In today’s lesson, we were introduced to our first bald cap preparation hair style, the hair wrap. It took me a few attempts to become confident in what I was creating, however eventually I got the hang of it. For my first attempt I am really pleased with the result of this hair wrap. However, I do need to work on the sectioning and placement of the hair, as I failed to create a smooth finish. Furthermore, I ran out of time and therefore did not get to completely finish this look, as I didn’t have time to create a pin curl with the last section of hair at the top of the head.

Peer feedback ; Good first attempt, make sure to work on you sectioning and precise placement of the hair layers in order to a chive a smooth finish, as without this you will not achieve a flawless bald cap application.

15/11/2022 – Bald Cap hair prep (pin curls)

In today’s lesson, we were taught an alternative option for prepping the hair before bald cap application, this technique is achieved by creating pin curls at the crown of the head, and smoothing the front section of hair over the top to cover the grips and create a flawless finish. Once again, considering this was my first attempt I am happy with the result but am aware I need much more practice before being confident in creating this style. Most importantly, I must ensure to really smooth the hair down as close to the scalp as possible, creating a smooth and slick finish. Additionally, I ran out of time meaning I did not get to gel down the final front section of hair.

Peer feedback ; Make sure to gel the sections of hair really tight to the scalp, preventing any bulkiness. This will help you to create a smooth and even bald cap application.

15/11/2022 – Skin Sculpt Laceration

Today, I assisted my lecturers in a college open night. While here I provided a demonstration on how to create a fresh laceration using sculpt gel. Since I began to experiment with this product I have become more and more in favor of it, and it is now one of my favorite SFX products to use. I love the freedom this product gives you, allowing to create your own prosthetics, either pre-made or directly on to the skin, and execute your vision perfectly. I am really happy with the result of this, and believe the coloring is really effective.

24/11/2022 – Formative Bald Cap assessment

Today, I completed my formative bald cap assessment. Firstly, I am so extremely impressed with the result of this look and feel I represented my design perfectly. In this look, I created my first larger scale prosthetic piece using sculpt gel, when creating the laceration over the eye. This technique worked really effectively and I am so pleased I pushed myself to try this. Furthermore, I created the illusion of an exposed brain across the right side of the face using gelatin. I am extremely happy with the effectiveness of the colouring on this makeup, however I do wish I had used more than one packet of gelatin, allowing me to build the three dimensional effect to a higher standard. Overall, I am impressed with the bald cap application considering this was my first attempt, however the edges did not blend in to the skin flawlessly. However, I do feel this will be an easy fix, as I believe it was due to not having access to certain products at home, that I can use while completing my assessment at college. Additionally, I used pros-aide to adhere the bald cap to the forehead, and spirit gum around the back and sides of the head. Everywhere apart from the forehead seemed to adhere well, and stay in place for the duration of creating this look. However, the bald cap began to move and slide along the forehead. Therefore, I must ensure to only use spirit gum in my assessment to achieve the most flawless finish. Furthermore, I would like to add veins and potentially fullers earth around the back and left side of the head, as currently I have a large amount of empty space. This could be left as it is but I would like to utilise this space to show case more skills. To summarize, I am extremely happy with the end result of this look, and am confident the adaptations I plan to make for my final assessment will create a much more effective look.

Published by Megan Hoff

A level 3 production arts makeup student at Fareham college.

One thought on “SFX Reflective Journal

  1. Your work is incredible Megan,
    Well done for pushing yourself all the time to improve your style and techniques.
    Looking forward to seeing where your journey takes you .


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