Script and Character breakdown

After conducting my research into current examples in the industry, I have identified many techniques I would like to include in my design, from a range of different TV shows, films and video games. However, my biggest inspiration comes from The Walking dead. Furthermore, there is one aspect in particular I would like to include in my design, who’s inspiration came from the horror movie; Hostel. Therefore I will complete a script and character breakdown for the Walking Dead, and Hostel. Furthermore, I will also note any other shows, films or games that gave me particular inspiration.

The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead - AMC Series - Where To Watch

The AMC TV series; The Walking dead first appeared on our screens on the 31st of October, 2010. Although the final episode of the series was aired only last month, on November 20th 2022 this franchise is nowhere near coming to an end. With multiple spin-offs already released, and multiple in the works, The Walking Dead has become one of the largest, and most popular television shows ever created. Created based on the comic books by Robert Kirkman, TWD follows a group of survivors, battling for their lives in the wake of a zombie apocalypse.

In this series, there are a huge amount of zombie appearances, with around 200 extras cast for each episode! The zombies sport all kinds of different characteristics. With abilities such as; infectious bites and scratches, fire resistance, and enhanced strength and durability, these characters may be visibly weaker than their human counterparts, but do not give up a fight easily. Additionally, these characters do not die under the same usual circumstances as humans, as they do not respond to pain, making them able to survive the most brutal of injuries. In fact, the only way to kill one of these zombies is to destroy their brain.

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Although these characters were once human, they have many advantages over the survivors of this virus, for example not only do they have all the abilities listed above but also do not need food, water or sleep in order to survive. However, although it is not a necessary part of their routine, these characters have a bottomless appetite for human flesh.

Although these animistic characters are usually called zombies, during the making of the show this word was avoided. In the series these characters have many names, including; Tank zombies, creepers, biters, floaters, geeks, lurkers, rotters, the infected, roamers, dead heads, crawlers, lame brains, hangers and most commonly, walkers.

On set, the zombie characters are ranked in categories known as ; Alpha, Beta, Charlie and Delta. These categories represent how far away from the camera a zombie is placed, and how much screen time they will be getting. This allows the Make-Up department to easily identify who needs what makeup, as the characters closer to the camera will receive much more than those out of shot. The typical time for creating a zombie for this show is around 2 hours, however more complex looks may take much longer. Similarly, the distant, out of shot zombies may only have a small amount of makeup applied, taking roughly only 40-60 minutes.

As previously mentioned, with some episodes including the appearance of over 200 zombie characters, there are many different kinds of zombies depicted in this show. Below I have created a character breakdown for multiple of the many different kinds of zombies that appear in The Walking Dead.


The most regularly seen zombies in this show are named walkers. Although no one character looks the same, the main features of these designs consists of a green, pale or yellowish skin tone, with rotting flesh – especially around the mouth, exposed teeth, and thinning hair. These characters also often have large open wounds, lacerations, burns or bruising over their face and body. The most common characteristic is the sunken eyes with almost every character including this .

Riot gear Zombies (episode 301)

In episode 301, the group are faced with new challenges when coming face to face with zombies in riot gear. As I previously mentioned, the only way to kill the zombies is to destroy their brains, therefore the group had a true battle for their lives on their hands. The introduction of these characters brought a new sense of fear and suspense into the world of The Walking Dead, and helped to show that nothing is as easy as it may seem, and you never know what is hiding around the corner. These zombies have a pinkish skin tone, with rotting flesh around their mouths, and dark sunken eyes, the most terrifying part of their appearance is their outfit – it makes it seem they are totally unbeatable.

Moss Zombies (season 4 episode 3)

In Episode three of the fourth season of the Walking Dead, we are once again reminded how abandoned and un-cared for the world has become since the outbreak of the apocalypse. During this episode the group are faced with the ‘moss zombie’. This character has been still for so long they have actually decomposed back into the earth, with new life growing around them. Although this may be an unsettling sight, this could have been used to foreshadow, symbolizing all of their troubles will be worth it in the end, when this is all over and the group are living in a fresh new world.

Zombie Pets (episode 1013)

Since her first introduction, Michonne’s character has used great initiative and survival techniques allowing her to save herself from zombification. One of her most clever tactics comes from her removing the limbs and lower jaws from zombies, then keeping them on chains as pets. Removing certain limbs from these creatures ensures they can bring no harm to Michonne herself, while keeping them on chains like pets allows her to gain some kind of immunity from surrounding walkers. While walking among her chained zombies Michonne is almost never detected by passing walkers.

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Gas mask Zombie (episode 301)

Not only did episode 301 introduce us to the eerie riot zombies, but we also encountered what is known now as the gas mask zombie. Much like the previous riot officers, this zombie needed his gas mask removed in order for Rick to kill him. However, upon removing the mask, this creature’s skin and tissue was also torn from his face, leaving a terrifying exposed skeleton. This introduced a whole new kind of the un-dead to the viewers, with imagery that stayed engraved in their brains This character consisted of a flesh covered skull, with glassy eyes and exposed teeth.

Bloater (season 2 episode 5)

During episode five, of the second season of The Walking Dead, we were introduced to yet another kind of walker, the bloater. Upon a search for drinking water, the group entered down into a well, experiencing a close call with this gruesome creature. This zombie had been in the water so long they had absorbed large amounts of fluid, creating a grotesque bloated monster. This character consisted of pale skin, with dark veins, and lots of folds and wrinkles in their skin.

Fire resistors (season 4 episode 14)

During the fourteenth episode of season four, we were introduced to fire resistant zombies. As if they weren’t scary enough already, the idea that not even fire could destroy these creatures brought a whole new aspect to the fear of the un-dead. These creatures have a mostly charred, black appearance, with small breaks of red flesh, making them appear almost like lava rocks. These characters also have rotted flesh around their mouths, showing their teeth and gums.


It’s their world, we’re just living in it” – This helps to emphasize the scale of the problem that the Walking Dead are causing in the world. Furthermore, it shows the fear, and lack of hope the survivors are truly experiencing.

“The world we know is gone, but keeping our humanity? That’s a choice” – This helps to show a gleam of hope, however indicates that some people may be losing touch of their sanity. This brings an extra level of fear as it implies that the survivors will not only be running from the walkers, but some humans have also resulted to violence. Therefore, it will become difficult to form bonds, and know who to trust.

We fight for our future, we don’t fight for revenge” – This further builds the idea that some survivors are losing touch of reality, and becoming almost animistic, like the walkers they are trying to outlive. Once again, this adds a whole new level of fear to the story, as they may be fighting their own, as well as their enemy.

“No one gets to clock out today” This further implies the mass issue created by these creatures, and shows us there is absolutely no end, or rest for the survivors. This helps to build a united feeling of fatigue, and yet fearlessness among the survivors. Although this implies times are hard and they are beginning to feel exhausted by their attempts at survival, this also implies that they are not willing to give up, and will continue to fight for a better future.

“We… are the walking dead” However, this quote shows a lack of hope, implying there is almost no need to fight against the walkers, as the living will eventually die anyway. This once again implies the survivors are becoming exhausted by their attempts to survive, and are starting to question if any of it will be worth it in the long term.

“All this running from walkers, you forget what people can do ” This takes us back to the horrid reality of humanity. Although you may think a zombie apocalypse would bring us humans together, uniting to fight against a common enemy, many people seem to have gone back to the roots of human civilization. Many groups have returned to savage and animistic ways of living, creating a new world of fear for the survivors.

“I can save lives – that’s reason enough to risk mine” – This brings back a sense of hope, showing there is still some good in the world. This quote directly states that certain characters are willing to risk their lives if that means they can save the likes of others. Furthermore, implying that not all hope and kindness is lost.


There Is one scene in specific from the movie Hostel, that directly inspired part of my design. Written and directed by Eli Roth, Hostel is an extremely gory slasher movie, focused on a group of tourists that visit a Hostel in Slovakia while on holiday, in search of potential hookups. However, much to their surprise they become the subjects of unspeakable torture. When watching this movie, the sickening eye scene lit a creative spark in my mind. Upon seeing these effects, I thought a similar creation could be really effective when creating my zombie character. In this scene, a women’s face is brutally mutilated while here eye is being removed as part of her torture. I believe creating a similar effect, with a missing eye, would be the perfect addition for my zombie character.

Published by Megan Hoff

A level 3 production arts makeup student at Fareham college.

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