
For part of my initial research, I created a survey allowing me to question friends, family and followers, gaining and insight in to other views of my potential themes. this allows me to understand how different people may perceive certain aspects of a theme or genre, allowing me to create a really effective end result. Below I have documented the results of the survey I created.

Question 1

For the first question, I asked “In which genre do you think a bald cap may be best suited? If you had to choose only one…” followed by the options; “Horror, Sci-fi, Fantasy, High-fashion and Other”.

As shown in the image below, the most popular choice, with 8 votes, was Sci-fi. Horror took second place with only two votes, and fantasy was in third with only one. No one chose High-fashion.

This helps me to understand the initial thought in the majority of people’s minds went to the sci-fi theme, implying they may have immediately pictured otherworldly beings and aliens, when thinking of a bald headed character. As I really want to push myself for this assessment, that immediately tells me I want to avoid this topic. Although it fits very well, I want to create something different, to help expand people’s thought processes.

Question 2

For the next question, I asked the respondents to justify their previous answer, with the question ”Why did you choose your previous answer ?”.

I received a range of responses, listed below;

It just seemed the most logical

fantasy has such a vast array of characters and looks that need previously covered heads to be able to do makeup and hair pieces on them properly

Because sci-fi has more unique people in it

Lots of sci-fi characters have different skin types, tribes, races and species

Special effects to create otherworldly appearances

Bald scientist

I think it would suit sci-fi from character I’ve seen

More effects

Once again, this supports my previous findings, that sci-fi was the initial thought of the majority of respondents. I personally believe most of these people would have been picturing other worldly beings and aliens, inspired by looks they have seen in films such as star wars and in the marvel universe.

Question 3

For the third question, I asked ”Which of these characters do you think a bald cap may be applied for ? Choose all that apply …” Below I have included a table of results.

Certain responses to this question actually took me by surprise, and I was hugely shocked that a creature of the woods was the most popular answer. I was just as surprised that the vampire, elf and God/Godess options only received one vote each.

Question 4

For the fourth question, I asked “Can you think of any characters you know (from film/tv/video games/ books/social media) that may have been created using this technique?”

I received a range of responses, including;

Freddie kreuger

Hell boy

Hobbit .ET.

Can’t remember his name but bloke from back to the future

Nebula from Guardians of the Galaxy

Nebula (marvel), wakandan tribe, avatar

Miss doubtfire


The responses began to become of a wider variety from here onward, however the fact that Nebula from Guardians of the Galaxy was the most popular response, helps to prove my initial belief, that the respondents were likely imagining aliens and other worlds, to be true.

Question 5

For the fifth question, I asked “Do you believe  many horror and fantasy stories take their inspiration from old myths and legends?” I have included a chart of results below.

I threw this question in as I don’t feel it was particularly easy to answer. Therefore, this question required the respondents to really think about the theme, allowing me to receive more detailed answers in the next section of the questionnaire.

Question 6

Next, I asked my respondents to justify their answers again, by asking “Can you explain why you chose your last answer ?”

I received a range of responses, including;

Some art reflect life

But it scares some people and some don’t really care

Brainwashed to think bald people are evil

I do believe this and I’m sure I believe in some.

They seem to correlate with like wives tales

Most creatures are created in the style of old creatures

Inspiration can come from anything for example a creature from a plant, 

Because old myths and legends are a good thing to base a fantasy on and make a horror more scary

all stories are based in stories that are based on stories and so on some become extremely watered down some mix with others all come from roundabouts the same places

Yeah it wouldn’t surprise me. Bit like ghost stories and things

This helps to prove my intentions worked, as I received some very detailed and complex owners to this question, unlike some of the shorter answers I had previously recieved.

Question 7

Next, I asked, “What colors do you associate with the horror genre ?”

I received a range of answers, including;


Red, black and gray

Black red black gray white


Red and black


Red and black

Green, black, red

Red black

red, black, brown, dark green, gray, silver


This just helped me gain a basic understanding of the thought processes other people have, giving me key ideas for my mood board and make-up designs.

Question 8

Next I asked “What colors do you associate with the Fantasy genre ?”

I received a range of answers, including;


Pinks, mint green, yellow and purple



Blue purple maybe pink



Green, yellow, pink, blue, purple,

Green yellow

light greens and blues, rich browns and bright colors, purples pinks yellows


This just helped me gain a basic understanding of the thought processes other people have, giving me key ideas for my mood board and make-up designs.

Question 9

For the ninth question, I asked “What colors do you associate with the sci-fi genre?”

I received a range of answers, including;


White and silver

Grey and bright


Grey’s ,brown maybe


Blue, gray and neon purple

Blue, green, gray, black

Yellow white

metallic colors, silver, gold, copper, tin, shiny greens and blues


This just helped me gain a basic understanding of the thought processes other people have, giving me key ideas for my mood board and make-up designs.

Question 10

For question ten I asked “Are there any colors you associate with high fashion ? “

I received a range of responses including; 

Purple. ( BTW would recommend reading the little book of color by Karen Heller)

High fashion is normally eye-catching, so neons and bright colors, pastels as well


Red, orange, white, black, gold


Bright pink and black/white


Yellow Reds





This just helped me gain a basic understanding of the thought processes other people have, giving me key ideas for my mood board and make-up designs.

Question 11

Next, I asked “Do you have any suggestions of creatures or characters that may be suitable for me to create in this assessment ?

The responses included ;


Scaly face creature

Hell boy

Muhammad Ali

The mask. ET ,Snake ,lizard ,Teenage mutant ninja turtles

Sea monster/ humanoid

Avatar character, a realistic mermaid,



Robot. Old person things like that

This question allowed me to get a deeper insight into the range of characters others picture when thinking about creating a character using a bald cap application. This was an extremely helpful step in my design generation.

Question 12

Finally, I asked “Can you suggest any media (film/books/TV/games) or creators (hair and makeup artists/artists/directors/photographers) who’s work you think may be helpful to look in too during my research? “

The responses included;

Not sure

Hell boy movies

Show speed

ET The Mask mutant turtles, pictures from internet


Drian Bautista

any of the makeup artists from Harry potter, labyrinth, the new predator as well

Little book of color by Karen Heller is really good for understanding color and how it can affect the mind. Could bee good when trying to create an atmosphere

Once again this just helped me to collect some additional source ideas, and gain an insight into the mind and thought processes of others.

Published by Megan Hoff

A level 3 production arts makeup student at Fareham college.

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