Moulage – Make-Up for Medical Simulation

For this task, I have been asked to research in to progression opportunities after University. Another route that one may choose to take after studying Make-Up, is working as a Make-Up artist for medical simulation. Although not widely spoken about, moulage is an essential part of medical training, as it helps prepare Emergency Service personnel for the harsh realities of incidents. Creating medical moulage on live models, or hyper realistic dummies is far more effective than the simulation ‘cpr dummies’ as real people can accompany the wound with realistic noises, and conversation – helping train personnel not only how to deal effectively with the wound, but how to effectively handle and communicate with the patient.

 This Make-Up is used to create a large range of specialist effects, allowing for effective medical training which is delivered to huge organizations such as the military and emergency services. Usually, large scale disaster events are regularly held, which create a range of scenarios, including; mass casualty, enclosed spaces, restricted areas, travel incidents etc. These exercises are designed to teach personnel not only how to deal with casualties, but how to effectively communicate between different organizations. Each exercise is carefully designed to ensure it is equipping response teams with the tools they need to deal with current, imminent threats. When these threats change, so will the exercises.

Furthermore, working in this field could require you to create hyper realistic dummies to help train nurses, doctors and other hospital staff. These dummies may be used to teach personnel how to effectively operate, deliver a baby, or even perform an autopsy.

Although some organizations may require voluntary work, artists can usually be paid between £10 and £20 per hour, raking in an average of around £22,000 per year. This salary often depends highly on whether you are working freelance, or are contracted to  an agency or organization, as well as the number of exercises you attend.

Published by Megan Hoff

A level 3 production arts makeup student at Fareham college.

One thought on “Moulage – Make-Up for Medical Simulation

  1. I know you loved doing this kind of thing
    As well as all the others .
    You are very talented and I’m very proud of you for All your achievements and excited for your future.


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