Task 2 – Part B : Personal Portfolio

For this task, I was required to build my personal portfolio ahead of my university applications. This ensured I had everything in place, ready for online submission and interviews.

As mentioned in my presentation, a portfolio is an extremely important tool for a working Hair and Make-Up Artist. Creating a portfolio helps to collect all of your best work together, ready for presentation to potential colleges, universities, clients and employers. There are a range of ways a portfolio may be presented, I chose to create mine online. Below I have attached images of each slide of my portfolio, as well as a description of the work on each page.

Firstly, on my opening page I included my name, along with images of a wide range of looks I have created. I included images of special effects, photographic and glam makeup to show the viewer my wide range of skills, right from the start.

On this page I introduced myself in more detail, explaining where I have studied and what qualifications I have already achieved. I also noted some of the skills I have included in this presentation.

On my first Make-Up slide, I included two examples of my previous body art work, one of which is my Final Major Project final image from year one, and the other is from a competition I entered.

I included two examples to show the versatile range of body paining looks I have created. I also chose to include one I was extremely proud of, and another of which I had given myself harsher evaluative notes- this will help me in my interviews, as it will show I am able to give myself both positive and negative feedback in order to grow.

On this page, I took a deeper look in to the first body art image shown on the previous slide. Here I compared my initial face plans and outcomes, with my final face plans and outcomes. This aided me in showing how I take on feedback to improve and develop my designs.

Next, I presented another skill, by showcasing my final image and mood board from my World Skills Competition entry in 2021. On this slide I included the theme, along with my mood board to show how I developed my idea. In my interviews, I intend to explain why I created this look, and how it relates to the theme.

I added upon this skill by including my mood board and final image from my World Skill Competition entry from 2022. In this year, the theme was ‘it’s a wile life’. I have included my mood board to support my explanation of why I created this look and how it relates to the theme. I also love how the difference in detail between this face plan, and the one on the previous slide, show how far I have developed over only one year.

Next, I created a section of slides dedicated to one of my most recent looks. Personally, I believe this is one of the best looks I have ever created and I am extremely proud of it. Furthermore, this look showcases many skills, therefore is a perfect example of what should be included in a portfolio. On this first slide, I have included images of my initial and final outcomes, showing development.

On this slide, I have included close up images of all the separate elements of this design, from the blood drips to the brain effect. I intend to use these images as prompts to explain how and why I created this look. I have also included an image of my mood board.

I used this slide to showcase the making of this look, by adding ‘work in progress’ images of each individual effect. I have also linked the Tiktok I created for the creation of this look – it is a time lapse of the whole process. Additionally, I added my face plan to this page.

Next, I created a slide to showcase my work from our Pearl Harbor assessment, from the design process – story boards and body plans – to the final images I produced. I used this as an example to showcase a storyboard I had created, and explain how the injuries in this look were obtained. This helps to support the idea that I can create a whole story behind a look, not just create the make-up itself.

Additionally, I used this slide to add some supporting images, however my main purpose for this slide was to showcase some of the most high profile work experience I have gained, working with the NHS National Ambulance Resilience Unit, providing casualty make-up for mass casualty simulation exercise training.

On this slide, I have created a collection of hair styling images that I have conducted throughout our period hair research. This shows I also have skills in hair styling, therefore am able to create a whole look.

Here, I have given multiple examples of theatrical make-up looks I have created for different roles. This showcases my wide skill set.

Next, I created a slide showcasing some images from one of the higher profile photo shoots I have been part of. For this look, I was asked to create a flawless base for imaging, as well as free handing both the Olympic and Paralympic symbols on to the face. The imagery was then used to enter a high class barbering competition. With this slide, I will explain why this look was created, and what steps I took in order to achieve the perfect finish.

I have used this slide to showcase yet another skill I have obtained during my time at college so far. Although I haven’t yet got a fully finished final product, it was important for me to include the work so far to show that I have had an introduction to such a complex skill.

Next, I created a slide showcasing some character design work I have undertaken. I chose to include these slides as the final images were of great quality, and it gave me the perfect opportunity to discuss how I built accurate characters based on my historical research.

On this slide I included the second half of this project to further support this skill.

Next, I included some images of a recent fashion editorial shoot I created. As we have not covered much fashion work at college, I decided to create my own shoot to add these images in my portfolio. I intend to use this slide as a prompt to explain why I would like to experiment further with fashion and editorial make-up.

Additionally, I added images of this look, after I had edited them in to magazine covers. This shows I have began to experiment with editing, and supports that I have good marketing and creativity skills.

On this page, I decided to showcase my artistic ability by including some portrait, painting and sketching work I have previously created. I also took this opportunity to add that I studied art as one of my GCSE subjects, therefore adding more skills.

Finally, I added in some textiles work from my coursework at school. Once again, seizing the opportunity to mention that I studded Textiles as one of my GCSE subjects, further adding to my skills bank.

Here, I have included an example of written work – as most Universities require a sample of your academic writing. The piece I have included is a section of work taken from my previous unit. I have also included a link to my blog if viewers wish to see more.

Next, I added a page including my personal and contact information, along with a copy of my Professional CV to showcase some of the work experience I have gained so far.

On the final page, I have added links to all of my social profiles, allowing viewers to access a wide range of my work if they wish to see more.

Published by Megan Hoff

A level 3 production arts makeup student at Fareham college.

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