Reflective Journal

In this post, I will break down and reflect on all of the steps I have taken on my journey towards my final piece of this unit, including any workshops or work experience that I have taken part in between the time the unit was active.

23/01/2023 – Today, my unit 11 brief was launched. As a class we brainstormed what is culture, British culture, and what makes you, before we completed research into the difference between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation.

23/01/2023 – In today’s hair lesson we continued our braiding practice. Here I produced two fishtail braids. Although I still need some more practice to perfect this technique I now feel much more confident. Additionally, I created my first cornrow braid. I created this braid on a much larger scale than usual as it was my first try – so I could get used to my hand placement. Now I feel much more comfortable creating the effect I must practice at its usual, smaller scale. 

25/01/2023 – Today, I have my first two University Interviews, at Solent University in Southampton. I am very nervous as this is my first choice university and I would really like to secure a place here. After attending my interview I feel confident I did the best I could. However, I do regret booking my first choice uni interview first – as I went in really nervous because I didn’t know what to expect, and I do believe this showed through my body language and therefore It did not necessarily go as well as I had hoped, and I feel I could have done so much better.

More than 100 jobs could be lost at Southampton Solent University | Daily  Echo

27/01/2023 – Today, I received an email from Solent university informing me I have secured a conditional offer for my chosen courses. This offer is conditional to me achieving over 88 UCAS points at the end of this year, which I am fairly confident I will surpass – due to my predicted grades. I am so happy I received this email, as I previously mentioned this university was my first choice and I was scared that my nerves had gotten the better of me in my interview. Overall I am so happy with this result, and have taken their feedback onboard ready for my next three interviews.

28/01/2023 – Today, I completed my initial research of Asia and South Africa. I searched multiple aspects of their cultures, looking into stereotypes, significant symbols, facts, celebrations, religions, languages and trends within each area.

31/01/2023 – Today I created some mood boards for the cultures I had completed my initial research on; Britain, Asia and South Africa. I collected a range of images to represent all areas of each culture.

06/02/2023 – On this day I had impact wisdom tooth removal surgery, which had some complications resulting in a longer recovery time, hence why there is a gap in my work.

08/02/2023 – Today was my interview with Buckinghamshire New University. As I only had surgery three days ago, I had to complete this interview online, via a teams call. I didn’t feel nervous for multiple reasons; the interview as over the phone making it slightly more comfortable, and because we have already met Emma from Bucks New, when we had a trip to Pinewood Studios during our first year. Therefore I felt very comfortable talking to her. I am fairly confident this interview went well, and am exited to hear back from them.

09/02/2023 – Today I received an email from Buckinghamshire New University, confirming they have offered me an unconditional place to study. Although this is not my first choice uni, I am over the moon with this result, and it has helped to really boost my confidence.

16/02/2023 – A friend of mine studies fashion photography at Solent University, and is aware this university is my top choice. To help me gain some experience and become familiar with the setting she has invited me to collaborate with her on multiple shoots. Today I completed make-up for the first editorial beauty shoot in one of her classes, completing a workshop on lighting. Below, you can see the inspiration image, along with some behind the scenes and final images.

20/02/2023 – Today I returned to college, where we had a class on the breakdown of Mexican culture. This helped further develop my understanding of the difference between culture appreciation and appropriation, and guided me on what to research when refining my ideas. In this lesson we spoke about how specific symbolism’s within designs can speak volumes, which was really helpful. In this class we also discovered semiotics.

21/02/2023 – Today we had Anne-Marie and Ben, from SIMEX, come to college and deliver a practical workshop on an introduction to moulage makeup, and a theory session on complex human anatomy. These sessions were really helpful, and got me thinking about how I could create realistic looking wounds with techniques and skills I am already confident with.

27/02/2023 – In today’s practical session we started culture inspired body art experiments. Although I didn’t complete any make-up today, as I modeled for a classmate, I practiced my free hand drawing skills by drawing a Koi-Carp ready for one of our next practical sessions. I also used this time to conduct some research into make-up artist, Lisa Eldridge.

28/02/2023 – Rowner Junior school reached out to college asking for us make-up students to complete hair and makeup looks on their students for their piece in the Dance Live! Competition. Today, 12 students came in for a hair and make-up trial, so we were confident with what to do before the show next week.

01/03/2023 – Today I completed an editorial test shoot with Izzy at Solent University. Today we practiced looks that we will recreate in a few weeks for her assessment. However, today we experimented, ensuring we were happy with how the make-up looks on camera. This also gave Izzy the opportunity to experiment with light placements.

06/03/2023 – In today’s practical session we continued our culture inspired body art practice, by creating a mexico inspired piece on the back. I completed some quick initial research into symbols and colors of importance within Mexican culture, before creating this design. Then, in our theory session we created some initial designs, and collected resources for our mood boards. I used this theory session to collect some information on significant symbols within South African culture, and practice my freehand drawing skills.

07/03/2023 – Today we were required to attend the Portsmouth Guild Hall, to complete hair and make-up looks on students from Rowner Junior school, in the Dance Live! Competition. I really enjoyed this experience, and the school was visibly happy with our work, so much so that they have invited us back on the 27th of April, to complete the looks again – as their students got through to the finals.

10/03/2023 – Today, I attended my interview at Arts University Bournemouth. I didn’t feel too nervous today now I know what to expect, however I initially had some technical difficulties while getting my e-portfolio to load which threw me off track a bit. However this was a blessing in disguise as it gave me and my interviewer a chance to have a general chat and get to know each other a bit better. This university does seem great, but is very similar to Solent, and I would rather study at Solent and be closer to home, than movie just for the sake of it.

12/02/2023 – I received a UCAS update today, outlining I have been offered a conditional place at AUB, dependent on me gaining 120 UCAS points at the end of this year. Although this is not my first choice university, I am extremely proud I received the offer, as this means I have been accepted into all of my university choices. As I have received all decisions, I may now accept my offers, and make a firm and insurance choice. Although I am fairly sure which two I am going to choose, I have decided to think about it for a few days so I don’t regret my decision. Therefore, today I completed some of my further research into South African culture; tribes, traditions and history.

13/03/2023 – In today’s practical session I completed my Koi-Carp design, as part of our culture inspired body art experiments. We were challenged to include a three dimensional element such as string into our design. I chose to enhance the mouth and create some bubbles with the string, and really like the overall effect this created. I received great positive feedback from my peers and teacher, especially on; my use of string, the feathering technique I used to create the fins, and the splatter effect I used on the background.

13-16/03/2023 – On the 13th, 14th and 16th of March I was part of the team responsible for creating hair and make-up looks on performing arts students from Fareham College, for their production of the Addams Family Musical. We were all given a main character each, and then had to go as and where needed. My allocated character was Uncle Fester. Although I do not have images of every look I created, I also worked on; Lurch, Morticia, Gomez and multiple ancestors. We received very positive feedback from the actors, directors and audience of the production.

15/03/2023 – Today I missed the production of the Adams family Musical as I had an appointment at the same time I was needed for make-up. However, I used this day to complete further research into popular garments and hair and make-up techniques, as well as famous make-up artists in South Africa. I also used today to accept my university offers. Although I have not yet attended my interview for Film and Screen school, I had already been offered a conditional place meaning I was able to make my decisions now. Film and Screen school, does look like an excellent facility however, I would rather study a course that covers Fashion and Editorial make-up as well as the Performance and Special Effects side. For this reason, I have accepted my offer at Solent University as my firm choice, with my Unconditional offer at Bucks New as my insurance.

17/03/2023 – Today I completed my research into South Africa’s current affairs, and representation within the media. Through this I learned some extremely valuable information, which helped to inspire my further designs. I also created some more face and body plans today.

21/02/2023 – In today’s practical session we continued our culture inspired body art experiments by creating a tribal inspired look on the back. This session was extremely helpful for me, as it fits my chosen culture perfectly. I received good feedback on this design, however I wish I had outlined the elements in black to make them stand out more.

22/02/2023 – Today I received some of the final edited images from my previous two shoots with Izzy at Solent University. She also shared the feedback given by her lecturers, allowing us to create an even better result next time. As some of the images are edited in black and white, we were advised to focus only on the eyes, leaving the face completely natural, as the make-up application on the face created a flat image.

23-24/03/2023 – The teachers at West Hill Park School reached out to college, asking if we could return, this time creating looks for their production of Dracula. I always have a great time working with the teachers and students here, and we always receive great feedback.

25/03/2023 – Today I refined my ideas, and created my final face and body art designs ready for my mood board creation. Now I have drawn out my vision I am really excited to bring it to life.

26/03/2023 – In preparation for my assessment, today I cleaned off the cow horns to prevent any cross contamination that may have occurred otherwise – as they are real so were covered in all kinds of dirt and debris before. Then, I created my feather crown, and packed my make-up case. Finally, I created my final mood board.

27/03/2023 – Today was our practical assessment day. I had five hours, between 9:30 and 2:30, to complete a body art piece inspired by my culture. Then, I was required to present my piece along with my mood board. Although I faced some unexpected difficulties I am overall really impressed with the result of this assessment, and my attitude towards handling difficult situations. After our assessment had finished, we were presented our FMP brief, allowing us time to generate our ideas and think of any questions over the Easter holidays.

28/03/2023 – As most people in my class used other classmates as models for their assessments, they had to switch over meaning today was also an assessment day. However, as I brought a model in yesterday, and wasn’t modeling for anyone today, I used this time at college to generate some ideas for my FMP, and begin my initial research.

30/03/2023 – Today I completed another editorial photo shoot with Izzy at Solent University. Today, we are-created one of the looks from our previous test shoot. I have received one preview image, and I’m so excited to see the results. I was nervous for this shoot, as our model is a student on the Hair and Make-Up design course at Solent University. However, she was really lovely and gave me great feedback. This was also a good opportunity for me as I was able to speak to her about life at Solent, as she is currently on the course I would like to study.

31/03/2023 – Today is the Hand in deadline for this unit. I am yet to receive my final professional images back, so can not yet upload my evaluation or reflective journal. However, everything is ready and waiting to be added to my blog.

05/04/2023 – Today I received my images back, allowing me to completely finish and upload all of my blog posts for the this unit. Overall, I am so happy with all of my work throughout the last two months, and am extremely excited to begin my FMP.

Published by Megan Hoff

A level 3 production arts makeup student at Fareham college.

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