Initial designs

In this post I have explored my initial hair, makeup and costume designs.


For my first design, I created a look based around feeling caused by OCD. Unlike the common stereotypes surrounding the neat, and tidiness of those with OCD, OCD is actually commonly described to feel like a chaotic mess in ones head. The repetitive, and unwanted thoughts and behaviors can cause a very overwhelming sensation. In this design i have attempted to create this effect by creating a bold, graphic, and most importantly unsymmetrical graphic liner that will stretch across the whole face, and neck. I intend to accompany this look with a slick back hairstyle, and some form of black, layered costume.

Biploar Disorder

In this design, I intend to create a split face look, in order to represent the dramatic mood swings that can occur for a person with this disorder. I plan to create one side using brightly colored blushes, eye shadows and lipsticks, to create an alive, and happy feel, while the other half will be dull and grey, accompanied with dark under eyes and tears, to represent the lower moods. I am intending to accompany this look with some form of tall, messy hairstyle, and maybe a light coloured top, or dress, covered with a dark, leather jacket, to emphasise the idea of darkness creeping in to the light.

Body Dysmorphia

In this design, I intend to incorporate prosthetics, to create a dramatically emphasized cheek bone. In a bid to represent the unrealistic beauty standards that are created by social media, leading to disorders like this one, I intend to create a glamorous, yet overly exaggerated face. I think I will accompany this make-up with a sleek hairstyle, to keep all the attention on the face.


In this design, I have represented how depression may literally look. I intend to create a dull, sunken in face, with dark under eyes, and tears, to present the feelings caused by, and effects of depression. I am unsure of what hair style to create with this look, but am planning to use a leather jacket for costume.


Similar to the design above, here I have decided to create a look that represents the literal feelings, and symptoms of this disorder. I plan to create a dull base, with sweat, to present the idea of a panic attack. I will also lighten around the eyes, to make the person appear alert to their surroundings. Once again I intend to dress is look with a leather jacket, and think I may use finger waves in the hair, to represent a darkness creeping over the person.

Published by Megan Hoff

A level 3 production arts makeup student at Fareham college.

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