Look 1 – Depression

In this post I have completed an evaluation of my first look, based on depression.


I am so extremely happy with the outcome of this project. I believe I have exceeded my expectations within my work, and have represented my theme extremely well. The look I created was a perfect re creation of my face plan, which further helps emphasise how well this make-up went. I was successful in creating a natural, no make-up make-up base, and using minimal contouring shades helped to really emphasise the lifelessness that I wanted to poetry within this look.

The eye shadow blended really well, and was rounded in to a symmetrical shape, which I am extremely proud of. My lack of use of mascara further helped to amplify the feeling of a heavy, and exhausting sensation, meaning I created the exact look I was aiming for. The bleached brow effect also helped to create further contrast between the light and dark colours, creating a stronger and more dramatic overall finish. I am also really pleased with the way the dark lip bled, crating a rough texture – further emphasizing the symptoms and feelings that arise from this disorder.

I feel the overall effect created by the makeup on the neck and chest was great, however if I was to create this look again I would use a wider range of products, allowing me to create more depth within the prosthetics, as they have got lost underneath the water splatter. I think I would also carry this technique down the arms to give an even more dramatic finish.


Especially considering this is the second time I have applied a hair cage on a living model, and the fact this case was custom built for someone elses head, I am extremely happy with the results of this hairstyle, I massively overtook my expectations from this design, by completing the hair style so effectively. I used a mixture of gels and spray to slick all of the hair away from the face, and up in to the style, preventing any fly aways. The barbed wire, and trailing material effect just elevated the look to a whole new level. Although the netting can be seen in occasional spaces thought the hair, I am really pleased with how well I managed to blend this in, by covering the cage with netting that was similar to the models hair colour.


I love the effect that was created by the torn materials used to create this costume., I do however, with I had either dark trousers, or a dark, loose skirt, to also dress the bottom half of my model.


I am extremely happy with all of the photos we have taken of this look. I think shooting in a range of locations helped to ensure I got the prefect image, and also helped me learn some techniques. We found a range of locations that worked effectively, but I think my favorite images are those of my model leaning again the posts, or posing in front of the brick wall. We did take some in front of a green screen for me to edit, but the lighting was not great causing a green reflection to cast across the models face, meaning the images did not turn out well after editing, so I have decided to leave these out of the process.


I received great feedback from my peers, model, photographer, and lecturers, with my main point of improvement noting if I had added a skirt on the bottom half of my model, I could have created a more complete look.

Overall I am extremely happy with the result of this shoot, and feel I have represented my theme, and carried out my designs, very effectively.

Published by Megan Hoff

A level 3 production arts makeup student at Fareham college.

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