Reflective journal

In this post, I will reflect upon the actions I have taken during the time of this unit, leading to my FMP final outcome.

28/03 – Today my FMP was launched. In class, the brief was presented to us, allowing us to have a group conversation, and have any initial questions answered. This was presented to us before the Easter half term, allowing us time to analyse the brief and think of any questions we may have over the holidays, therefore allowing us to start when we returned to college.

30/03- Today I completed a photo shoot with photographer, Izzy Ferguison, at Solent University. I created an editorial make-up look, based on a series of MAC cosmetics campaign imagery, for one of Izzy’s projects. I was really pleased with how the makeup looked, and received great feed back from Izzy, and the model.

05/04 – Today I finally completed my Unit 11 section on my blog, after having my photos back. I posted the final section, and now am ready to focus on this unit.

06/04 – Today, I brainstormed some ideas, in order to help me decide what theme to choose for my FMP. After considering many topics that mean a lot to me, allowing me to create a more powerful image, I decided basing a look around Mental Heath will be best suited.

08/04 – Today I completed a work experience placement, face painting for a live lambing event, at Wilson Atkinson Farms. I had a great day, and received positive feedback from a large range of parents, children, and other workers at the event. This kind of work experience helps to really build my communication skills, as events like these require me to communicate with a large range of people, with different ages, and ethnicity’s.

11/04 – Today I decided to experiment with presenting the idea that mental health conditions can make one feel like the shell of a person. I presented this idea, by creating a skeleton effect makeup on the face, and neck. However, although I think this make-up is effective, It seems more like a character, rather than representation of mental illness itself. For this reason, I don’t think my audience will necessarily know what my intentions of the look are, therefore the overall finish wont be as effective.

14/04 – Today I began some of my developed research, when looking in to artist; Shawn Cross. As explored in the post about him, Shawn’s Work was the first inspiration I had for creating looks based on Mental Health disorders, so I had always known I wanted to research in to him, and his work.

Furthermore, today I received back the images from the shoot I completed with Izzy on the 30/03. I am so happy with the result of these images, and am extremely impressed with the symmetry I created within this makeup.

17/04 – Today when on social media, I came across some behind the scenes images of a recent photo shoot Jojo Siwa has completed, to advertise her new clothing range. The hairstyle in one of the images was really effective, and I believe it could work well with one of my looks.

At college today, we had Chloe McDonald visit us again, to complete a masterclass on editorial makeup, and postiche making. Firstly, she presented a collection of Editorial images, explaining the difference between fashion, beauty and creative editorials. Then, she explained to us what most directors will expect from an editorial set, before demonstrating how to create a no-makeup-makeup. Then, we had to re-create this look on each other. As there was an odd number of us, me and Erin shared Poppy’s face, hense why there are only photos of one side of her face. I am really pleased with the final result of my make-up, and believe I met the brief well. Chloe complimented my make-up, claiming it helped to give [Poppy] a bright and fresh appearance, without making her look like she was wearing heavy make-up, which is exactly what you need for this kind of creation.

In the afternoon session, Chloe spoke to us about when, and how, postiche is used in the industry. She presented a range of job roles where these techniques may be found, and explained how expensive wigs and postiche can be to buy, and create. After demonstrating how this technique should be correctly done, we all had to try and create our own postiche. After measuring an accurate size mustache, on each others faces, we attached our stencils to the head block. Then, we placed netting over the top, allowing us to weave the hair through. I seemed to pick this knotting technique up very quickly, and could complete it quickly. I was extremely happy with the final outcome of this session and can not wait to finish the piece. Chloe, and my peers all noted how fast I picked this technique up, even calling me a ‘natural’.

18/04 – Today at college I modeled for Erin, but used this time to complete further research. Then, in our theory lesson, we had a production meeting, discussing what we are wanting to create for the showcase, and what actions we must take to execute this effectively.

After receiving the world skills brief, I returned home and created two body plans that could fit the theme ‘its about time’. I wanted to take this theme less literally, so challenged myself to create look that represented the idea ‘ its about time to make a change’ to something. I created body plans based around stopping knife crime, and preventing global warming. Although I believe both looks are effective, I think I am wanting to create the knife crime look, as I fell not many others would have created a look like this, but some may have created a look around global warming, as it is seen a bigger issue.

19/04 – Today I began to build a pintrest board, collecting images of; artwork, hair, makeup, fashion, and quotes, that can support my theme, and hopefully inspire my final piece.

I also created an initial mood board, and presented it as and advertisement for collaborators. Then, I posted this on my social media channels, with the hopes of reaching out to models and photographers. I am intending to work with professional, experienced models and photographers as this will allow me to create a more effective overall finish.

22/04 – After asking the opinions of many people, including family, friends, class mates, and lecturers, I have decided to create the knife crime look for my world skills entry. Today, I created a mood board for this look, and practiced what I am intending to create on the back, in order to ensure I can get the look completed within the given time frame.

23/04 – Today I completed more further research, building on my knowlege, allowing me to create my initial designs.

24/04 – Today, Annemarie from the SIMEX series came to college, delivering a wounds work shop. In a weeks time, we will be attending the SIMEX exercise, to create realistic wounds on mock casualty role players- allowing doctors, nurses, and humanitarian response teams to receive hands on training. Today, we were taught how to create burns with tissue, and liquid latex, adding gelatin cubes for dramatic effect. Then, we were shown how to effectively colour these injuries, making them look as realistic as possible. Considering this was my first time making these wounds, and experimenting with new products, I am really impressed with the final outcomes, and am exited to make more. I received good feedback on my wound placement and coloring, which made me confident I knew what to do next week. I also was extremely impressed with the outcome of my exposed bone injury, and was told it was ‘disgustingly amazing’.

25/04 – Today we completed a second training day with Annmarie, from the SIMEX series. In today’s lesson, we had to show our leadership skills when teaching the first year students some of the techniques we had learned yesterday. In this session, I mainly modeled, while talking the first years though the process. However, I created an effective burn, using latex – applied directly on to the arm, when demonstrating this effect to the first years, and experimented with creating a hypothermia effect, by lightening Erin’s fingertips.

Upon my return home, I created my world skills look, and sent it off for judging. I feel there are many elements that could have been tweaked to have created an overall more dramatic effect, which could have been highlighted if I had practiced the design more. However I feel the theme is clearly presented.

16/04 – Today I completed a work experience, when creating a light, but glamorous make-up for a client, who was having a trail before her son’s wedding in a few weeks. Both the client, and her daughter in law (to be) were extremely happy with the result, and I have been asked to return and complete her make-up for the day. I am so pleased with the overall finish of this look, and am exited to make her up on the day.

27/04 – Today we returned to the Portsmouth Guild hall, to re-create make-up looks on students from Rowner Junior School, in their Final round of DanceLive! One of the children I was responsible for had a last minute hair change. Rather than creating padding, and applying a head band, like last time, I was asked to create an antler effect. I had to think on my feet, and create a look that was both comfortable, and practical, with a limited amount of products, as the client had to move her head a lot. I am so extremely happy with the final result I created, and feel honored to have played such a big part in such a big even for these children.

28/04 – Today, I completed another make-up trial, today for a prom. My client suggested a glamorous, smokey eye, with blue in her water line, to match her dress. She wanted a full coverage, Instagram beauty inspired look. I was extremely happy with the result, as was my client and her family. Although we have since decided to tone down the eyes a bit, after she had tried the dress on with the makeup, she has invited me back to complete the look on her big day, in June.

29/04 – Today, in a visit to Bichester Village, I ensured to analyse how editorial and campaign imagery are used to grab the attention of viewers, in an in-person setting. Unlike the bright and colorful adverts on social media, most of these images were presented on large frameworks, within shop windows, and inside the stores. The large images would catch the viewers eye, and lure them inside to explore more.

02/05 – Today, I completed a hair trial on erin, experementing with techniques to create a finish similar to the one found in the images of Jojo Siwa that had inspired me earlier on.

Initially, I experemnted with creating top knots, similar to the inspiration image, however I felt this did not give a dramtic enough effect.

Then, with Maggie’s help I created a moheican style, which me, Maggie and Erin all agreed was much more effective. We left one side fanned out, and brushed another straight up, allowing me to compare which finish was more effective. I think when representing mental illness, a messier, fanned out finish will represent the issues more effectively.

04/05 – Today I ensured to analyse my issues of vogue, looking for sources of further inspiration, before creating my final designs.

09/05 – Today was the first day of SIMEX. Today, I created a wide range of injuries, consisting of head traumas, burns, broken arms, and fractured ankles, to name a few. I received great feed back from all of the workers, and models, regarding not only my practical work, but client communication too.

10/05 – Today, I completed some more further research, and created lists to ensure I had all of the products and equipment I needed for my final looks. I also heard back from work skills, and am delighted to say i made it to the next round. However, I unfortunately am unable to attend.

11/05 – Today was the third day of SIMEX. In today’s exercise, we has less injuries, but has to make many people up with dust, and dirt powders, so they appeared like refugees, and victims of an earth quake. We also had the opportunity to take part in the role-playing today, where me and Erin had to make each other up, and role-play car crash victims.

15/05 – I dedicated todays lesson to practicing my hair techiques. Although I do not find finger waves particulary easy, I am set on creating them within one of my looks, as I feel it would create a great effect. Therefore, I repreatedly practiced this technique today, crating a more effective finish every time, and building my confidence.

I also practiced creating the hair cage today. As seen in these images, the hair did not quite cover the cage, and the cage was very visible. However, I have designed this cage to be used on light hair, and the only reason it was so obviously viable is because the head block has dark hair.

Additionally, I practiced my body dysmorphia design, and developed upon it to decide which was more effective. After considering all options, and asking for feedback, I have decided the first image is the most effective, as the others seem softer, which looses the message of the design.

16/05 – In today’s lesson, I modeled for Chloe, which allowed me time to complete more of my coursework. I also attended a green screening session with Ingrid, as I wanted to learn this technique, allowing me to potentially experiment with it in my final images.

17/05 – Today, I completed more research and coursework, while also watching multiple of the documentaries featured on SKY’s home page, for mental health awareness week.

21/05 – Today, one day before I plan to complete my assessment, my model informed me she was now unable to attend tomorrows shoot. Although this was a frustrating situation, I ensured to handle this calmly, and professionally, and eventually managed to source another model, allowing me to go ahead with tomorrows shoot.

22/05 – Today I completed my main look, for my in college assessment. This was my look based on depression. I am extremely happy with the outcome, and think my message is very clear and effective. I am hoping the images I create leave a meaningful image in my viewers head.

Once we had completed and photographed the first look, I then completed my body dysmorphia look. I used a dress, and multiple props from collages theatre department, to assist with this shoot, and am so exited to see the outcome.

23/05 – Today, I received back the final images from yesterdays first shoot. the images were so much better than I ever expected, and give such a powerful message. However, unfortunately the images from the second shoot were lost. Although I am extremely upset as I never got to even preview these images, I once again ensured to handle this situation professionally. After some consideration I decided I would re-shoot this look at home.

31/05 – Today, I completed my other two photo shoots, while also re-shooting the Body dysmorphia images. I am really pleased with the outcomes of the looks, however I believe both the look, and images from today’s body dysmophia shoot will not compare to the quality of the look and images that were lost, as I did not have access to a photography studio, the dress, or the props for this occasion.

04/06 – I have today received the final images from my last photo-shoot, allowing me to complete my evaluations and hand in my blog.

Published by Megan Hoff

A level 3 production arts makeup student at Fareham college.

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