
As part of this unit, I was required to explore how I could effectively present this project, to a specific audience.

As I am hoping to create a very powerful message, based around an extremely important issue, I am wanting to reach the largest audience possible. Especially as I am creating a look based around such a widespread issue, I feel creating an outcome to present on social media will be the most effective option of presenting my work. Doing so will allow me to reach a larger, and more diverse audience then I could any other way. This will help to ensure my message of awareness is spread as far as possible, creating a larger impact. Furthermore, I feel by doing so, I am personally helping tackle the negativity that is now spread through social media, by using my platform to bring awareness to an important topic and show my support to those who are struggling. Additionally, creating a look for social media helps support the editorial element of my outcomes.

Additionally, I will be showcasing my outcomes of this project at our annual end of year showcase. This event will allow me to showcase my work, both on, and off the catwalk. This also further supports the editorial elements of my designs. Firstly, I will be required to re-create my main look, based on depression, and have my model walk a runway. There will be a large range of guests attending the event, from friends and families of students to local business owners and organisations, meaning my work will reach a very diverse audience.

After the catwalk, I will have my final image outcomes set up in a gallery format, allowing the visitors at this event get a closer look of my work, as well as allowing me to showcase the collection as a whole. I will be explaining the process from start to finish, to those who come to view my work. I will ensure explain the deeper meanings behind my work, and why I chose to create them, and will collect feedback, allowing me to improve my work in the future.

I have also created a PowerPoint presentation, to summarise the process for those who may have missed part of my talk, or who would like to take a look at some of the experimentation images. I have summarised each section of the process, including images to support each section. Finally, I ensured to include links to my blog, and social channels, in case anyone from the audience wishes to take a look at the more detailed work I have created.

Published by Megan Hoff

A level 3 production arts makeup student at Fareham college.

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