
“Bald and Bearded at Berlin’s Fashion Week.” Behind the Scenes Makeup, 11 July 2010, Barbosa, Tamsin. “What Are Bald Caps and What Are They Used For? | the Iver Makeup Academy.” Iver Makeup Academy, 29 Apr. 2022, Accessed 17 Nov. 2022. “Health and Safety | National Association of Screen Make-up and Hair.”,Continue reading “Bibliography”

Horror – initial designs

After conducting research in to my first three genre options (fantasy, horror and high fashion) I came to the conclusion that a theme under the horror genre would be best sited for my intentions of this assessment. I had previously decided I would like to use this assessment to showcase some of the SFX skillsContinue reading “Horror – initial designs”

Script and Character breakdown

After conducting my research into current examples in the industry, I have identified many techniques I would like to include in my design, from a range of different TV shows, films and video games. However, my biggest inspiration comes from The Walking dead. Furthermore, there is one aspect in particular I would like to includeContinue reading “Script and Character breakdown”

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