
In this post I have explored what semiotics is, and why its important. The word semiotics describes the study of symbols and signs and their use or interpretation. The word originates from the Greek word; semantikos. Semiotics is used to analyze all aspects of life, including; logos, gestures, music, literature, expressions, advertising, clothes, film andContinue reading “Semiotics”

South African Culture

In this document I have broken down my findings from my initial research into the key aspects of South African culture. South Africa is often referred to as the rainbow nation, as it is made up of many diverse cultures and religions, such as; Zulu, Xhosa, Pedi, Tswana, Ndebele, Khoisan, Hindi, Muslim and Afrikaner peopleContinue reading “South African Culture”

British Culture

In this document I have described my findings from my research in to the key aspects of British culture. There are four countries that fall under the bracket of British culture, these are; England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. However, most stereotypes seem to come from England, specifically its capital city London. Facts The averageContinue reading “British Culture”

Cultural Appropriation vs Cultural Appreciation

In this post I will explore the difference between cultural appreciation, and cultural appropriation, while investigating the importance of both, and giving examples for each. This will help me ensure I create a look that is celebrated, and is as un-offensive as possible. Cultural appropriation is a term used to describe the inappropriate or unacknowledgedContinue reading “Cultural Appropriation vs Cultural Appreciation”

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