Mood Board

In this post, I have attached an Image of my final moldboard, followed by a brief explanation. A mood board is used to visualise ones thought process, when designing a look. Below, is an image of the mood board I created for my final look, and overall image series. This mood board was comprised ofContinue reading “Mood Board”

Final designs

In this post I have presented, and explored the ideas behind my final designs. Although I feel the previous, initial designs, were all capable of effectively representing these disorders, I want to push myself further, to visualise a less literal meaning for each of these subjects, allowing me to be more creative with my looks.Continue reading “Final designs”

Health and safety

In this post I will explore health and safety considerations that must be taken for any make up appointment, as well as considerations specific to this unit. I have created a poster for each section, I will then write a brief description underneath. General This poster outlined some of the health and safety considerations thatContinue reading “Health and safety”

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