Mental health survey

As part of my research I decided to create a survey on mental health, posting it on my social medias to reach as many people as possible. I’ve created a survey of 26 questions, and overall received 45 responses. Below I have broken down each question and all of the responses I received, explaining howContinue reading “Mental health survey”

Health and safety

In this post I will explore health and safety considerations that must be taken for any make up appointment, as well as considerations specific to this unit. I have created a poster for each section, I will then write a brief description underneath. General This poster outlined some of the health and safety considerations thatContinue reading “Health and safety”

Abby Roberts

Abby Roberts, a professional makeup artist, beauty promoter and social media influencer, rose to fame after sharing her creative makeup looks on Instagram and Tiktok. Her popularity has given her huge recognition within the industry, appearing as a guest judge on BBC’s glow up series, and regularly granting her access to high profile events. SheContinue reading “Abby Roberts”

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