
So far from my research, I have determined the negative stigmas that surround mental health, have mainly spread throughout the mainstream media. All media sources, from news papers to movies, are part of this problem, even tough some are now beginning to take responsibility and improve the messages they put out in to the world.Continue reading “Summary”

Mental Health In the media

In this post, I have explored how mental heath is represented in the media. Some topics explored my be triggering for some readers, please proceed with caution. Introduction Mental illness and psychiatric disorders are often inaccurately portrayed in the media. All sources such as; movies, TV, magazines, books, social media and the news, often stereotypeContinue reading “Mental Health In the media”

Mental health Disorders

In this post, I have explored some of the different mental health disorders, their causes, treatments and how they can affect their victims. The topics discussed below may be triggering for some readers, please progress with caution. Introduction Mental Health Disorders cause significant disturbances in thinking, emotional regulation and/or behaviors. Although when you are sufferingContinue reading “Mental health Disorders”

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