Creating injuries with SFX makeup.

In this post, I have researced in to different techniques that may be used when creating realisitic wounds with SFX makeup. This research will aid me in choosing which techniques to experement with, and use in my assesment. WARNING ; This document contains imagery of makeup that has been created to mimic real injury, someContinue reading “Creating injuries with SFX makeup.”

Injuries at Pearl Harbor

For this task, I have researched in to some injuries that may have occurred as a result of the attack on Pearl Harbor, and how they would look in real life. Studding real cases of these injuries will help me familiarize myself with the reality of these situations, allowing me to achieve an extremely realisticContinue reading “Injuries at Pearl Harbor”

The circulatory system

For this task, I have conducted research in to the body’s circulatory system. This research will help me gain a deeper understanding in to how the blood flows around the body, allowing me to create the most realistic wounds possible, in my final Special Effects Makeup assessment. The circulatory system is a system consisting ofContinue reading “The circulatory system”

The body’s healing process – and types of bleeding

For this task, I have conducted research in to the body’s healing process. Understanding this process, and factors that may effect it, will give me an additional insight that will help me create extremely realistic wounds, using Special Effects Makeup- during my final assessment From start to finish, the body’s healing process can take betweenContinue reading “The body’s healing process – and types of bleeding”

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