
In this post i will use Harvard referencing to document any works I have cited. 7 Highlights of South African Traditional Clothing. 17 Apr. 2020, African Union. “AUHRM Project Focus Area: The Apartheid | African Union.”, Charisma, Tina. “Cultural Appropriation vs Cultural Appreciation: What’s the Difference?” Harper’s BAZAAR, 30 June 2021, reading “Bibliography”

South African Hair and Make-Up trends

In this post I will explore the popular Hair and Make-Up trends in South Africa, and create an overview of my findings. As mentioned in some of my previous posts, natural beauty is widely embraced within African culture, meaning a less is more approach to makeup is extremely popular. However, although women commonly create aContinue reading “South African Hair and Make-Up trends”

Representation in the Media.

In this post I have explored my chosen cultures representation in the media, and researched in to some of their current affairs. Having knowledge on these subjects will help me design a look to represent all areas of this culture, potentially including negatives as well as positives. This will help me represent my culture asContinue reading “Representation in the Media.”

South African traditions

In this post I will explore some traditions that are celebrated throughout South Africa. South Africa is not a homogeneous country. Its land is home to a large variety of people, making for an incredible blend of cultures. Because of this, there are not many traditions for the whole of the country, instead there areContinue reading “South African traditions”

Tribes of South Africa

In this post i will explore some of South Africa’s native tribes. As previously explored, South Africa is known as the ‘rainbow nation’, due to its large diversity of occupants. South Africa’s black population is divided into four major ethnic groups; Nguni (Zulu, Xhosa, Ndebele, Swazi), Sotho, Venda and Shangaan-Tsonga. In this post I willContinue reading “Tribes of South Africa”

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