Character breakdowns

For this task, I have completed character break downs for some of the chearcteters from Michael Bays’s 2001 film, Pearl Harbour Main characters: Raif McCawley (Captain) Back story-  Raif was born and raised on a farm in Tennessee, in 1917. He lived next door to another young boy named Danny, the two become lifelong bestContinue reading “Character breakdowns”

America in the 1940’s

For this task I have researched life in America during the 1940’s. This will help me to understand what life was like at this time, and how and why certain trends in hair, makeup and fashion were created. During the 1940’s, American culture was swallowed by war when many big celebrities and sports personalities wereContinue reading “America in the 1940’s”

Fashion in the 1940’s

For this task, I have researched in to popular fashions for men and women during the 1940’s, allowing me to create the most accurate finial image in my final SFX assessment. During the 1940’s, the main goal for women’s fashion was to create an hourglass silhouette.  Masculine details such as padded shoulders were very commonContinue reading “Fashion in the 1940’s”

Makeup in the 1940’s

For this task I have researched what makeup trends were around during the 1940’s, in America. This will help ensure I create a look realistic to the time, during my final assessment. It will also give me further understanding into how they created these looks. The desired look Overall, the look that defines this decadeContinue reading “Makeup in the 1940’s”

Injuries at Pearl Harbor

For this task, I have researched in to some injuries that may have occurred as a result of the attack on Pearl Harbor, and how they would look in real life. Studding real cases of these injuries will help me familiarize myself with the reality of these situations, allowing me to achieve an extremely realisticContinue reading “Injuries at Pearl Harbor”

The circulatory system

For this task, I have conducted research in to the body’s circulatory system. This research will help me gain a deeper understanding in to how the blood flows around the body, allowing me to create the most realistic wounds possible, in my final Special Effects Makeup assessment. The circulatory system is a system consisting ofContinue reading “The circulatory system”

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